哪些 Puppet 资源类型需要审计元参数来强制 Puppet 在资源被删除时管理该资源?

哪些 Puppet 资源类型需要审计元参数来强制 Puppet 在资源被删除时管理该资源?

直到最近,我还一直认为,只要声明具有各种属性的资源,就能确保 Puppet 管理该资源,并在资源发生变化时将其恢复到配置状态。

今天,我发现我配置的 yumrepo 资源并非如此,直到我audit => all向该资源添加了一个元参数。我删除/etc/yum.repos.d/foo.repo并运行puppetd --test。Puppet 没有重新创建该资源。这是否表明 Puppet 存在缺陷?

如果这是预期的行为,那么就引出了一个问题,audit => all如果资源在管理系统上发生变化,需要哪些其他资源来告诉 Puppet 管理资源的状态?


class yum::therepo {
    # Temporarily remove the Yum repo configuration if we don't have
    # httpd yet.
    exec { 'disable-the-repo-to-get-its-dependencies':
        provider => shell,
        command => 'rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/the.repo',
        unless => 'rpm -q httpd',
        onlyif => 'test -f /etc/yum.repos.d/the.repo',
        before => [Package['httpd'], Exec['httpd-for-yum'],],
        path => '/bin:/usr/bin',

    # Ensures httpd is running as a Yum server before anything else
    # tries to install packages from it.
    exec { 'httpd-for-yum':
        provider => shell,
        command => '/sbin/service nginx stop || true ; /sbin/service httpd restart',
        require => Class['yum::server'],

    yumrepo {
            require    => [Exec['httpd-for-yum'],],
            descr      => "The YUM Repo",
            baseurl    => "http://yum/repos/redhat/5/x86_64/",
            gpgcheck   => "0",
            enabled    => "1",

            # One puppet run failed to recreate the.repo. I added audit
            # => all, and the next puppet run did recreate the.repo.
            # Possibly a red herring. I'd like to understand why it
            # worked in one case and not in the other.
            #audit      => all,

Yum 服务器类:

class yum::server {
    include httpd
    include iptables

    package { ['createrepo']:
        ensure => present;

    exec { 'update-repo-metadata':
        require => [ Package['createrepo']],
        cwd => '/var/www/html/yum',
        command => '/usr/bin/createrepo --update -d repos/redhat/5/x86_64/',
        creates => '/var/www/html/yum/repos/redhat/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml',

    file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/yum.conf':
        ensure  => file,
        mode    => 0644,
        source  => "puppet:///modules/yum/yum_httpd.conf",
        require => Package['httpd'],
        notify  => Service['httpd'],


我认为您误解了审核标志,但您可以发布您的 yum 资源部分吗,因为这会很有帮助。通常,您不需要审核 yumrepo 资源即可使其创建 .repo 文件。



创建大多数没有属性的 Puppet 资源类型ensure都是未定义的行为。当然,Puppet 知道该资源,但如果不知道最终状态应该是什么,Puppet 就无法用它做任何有用的事情。

作为示例,尝试puppet apply以下代码片段:

file { '/testfile': }
