ltsp-built-client 错误

ltsp-built-client 错误



I: Retrieving Release
E: Failed getting release file file://root/ISO/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso/dists/squeeze/Release
error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally


ltsp-build-client --mirror file://root/ISO/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso --security-mirror none --accept-unsigned-packages

我指的是这个 URL




错误是由于客户端使用您提供的镜像填充其自己的 apt 源列表(在本例中为 file://root/ISO/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso)。但是,当客户端尝试执行 时apt-get update,它无法执行,因为相对于客户端的 ,/没有/root/ISO/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso

为了避免这种情况,只需告诉它从服务器逐字复制 apt 源列表。



ltsp-build-client --copy-sourceslist --mirror file://root/ISO/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso --security-mirror none --accept-unsigned-packages

此外,再次查找命令真是太麻烦了,最后我不得不在工作站上安装 LTSP 并运行ltsp-build-client --extra-help。为了我自己的理智,以及其他在 Google 上寻找额外帮助消息的人,我将其粘贴在这里:


$ ltsp-build-client --extra-help
LTSP Build Client usage:

  ltsp-build-client <options>

Regular options:
    --dist                     set the distribution to be used for install
    --extra-help               display help for all available commandline options
    --help                     display this help message
    --mirror                   set the mirror location

Advanced options:
    --accept-unsigned-packages allow unsigned packages during install
    --apt-keys                 include the listed keys in the apt keyring
    --arch                     set the target architecture
    --base                     set the default base install directory
    --chroot                   set the name of the chroot
    --components               set the components to be used in mirror
    --config                   load a user specific configuration file
    --copy-package-cache       cache downloaded packages
    --copy-package-lists       copy apt Packages files from server
    --copy-sourceslist         use the servers sources.list instead of generating one
    --debconf-seeds            load debconf seeding in the chroot after install
    --debug                    enable debug support
    --early-mirror             add a mirror, which takes priority over the default mirror
    --early-packages           set the list of packages to install after base-install is completed
    --enable-popcon            enable popularity-contest in the chroot
    --exclude                  exclude packages from the initial chroot
    --extra-mirror             add a mirror, with lower priority than the default mirror
    --fat-client-desktop       run most or all applications locally
    --fat-client               run most or all applications locally
    --http-proxy               use specified http proxy
    --install-debs-dir         install to the chroot all the .deb files contained in the provided directory
    --keep-packages            keep cache of downloaded package files
    --kiosk                    a simple webkiosk mode
    --late-packages            list of packages to install as part of the final installation
    --locale                   set the default locale
    --ltsp-cluster             enable LTSP-Cluster
    --mount-cdrom              mounts CDROM before installation
    --mount-package-cache      mount package cache dir from server
    --mount-package-dir        mount a server directory as the chroot package cache dir
    --mythbuntu                create a Mythbuntu fat client.
    --mythbuntu-user-credentials Mythbuntu: specify login credentials as username:password
    --no-guess-proxy           do not autodetect apt proxy configuration
    --pin-dist                 distribution to set up apt pinning
    --pin-packages             list of packages to install from the pinned distribution
    --prompt-rootpass          prompt to set the root password, defaults to disabled
    --purge-chroot             purge existing LTSP chroot if present
    --security-mirror          set the security mirror location
    --serial-console           enable serial console
    --skipimage                force to skip the squashfs build (for debian-installer)
    --skip-upgrade             skip upgrade of installed packages
    --tftp-dirs                TFTP dirs to update kernel in (space-separated)
    --updates-mirror           set the update mirror location



