我之前在使用 Exchange 2007 服务器时遇到了一些问题,导致它无法连接到我们的域控制器。
我已成功连接到域控制器,现在可以登录并查看我的电子邮件。但是,在 Exchange Server 而非域控制器上创建的任何用户现在都丢失了他们的邮箱。同样,创建的任何分发组也丢失了。
如果丢失邮箱的用户尝试登录 OWA,他们会收到类似以下错误:
Outlook Web Access could not find a mailbox for S-1-5-21-4025249410-3730884854-1808593348-1187. If the problem continues, contact technical support for your organization and tell them the following: The mailbox may be stored on a Microsoft Exchange 2000 or Microsoft Exchange 2003 server, or the Active Directory user account was created recently and has not yet replicated to the Active Directory site where this Client Access server is hosted.
dcdiag.exe 显示大量错误 - 我正在努力弄清楚复制错误来自哪里:
Warning: EXCHANGE01 is not advertising as a time server.
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Advertising
There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the
SYSVOL has been shared. Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause
Group Policy problems.
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test DFSREvent
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x80000785
Time Generated: 02/17/2013 17:59:39
Event String:
The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed.
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x80000785
Time Generated: 02/17/2013 17:59:39
Event String:
The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed.
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x80000785
Time Generated: 02/17/2013 17:59:39
Event String:
The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed.
[CARBON] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error -2146893022,
The target principal name is incorrect..
Warning: CARBON is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
[CARBON] LDAP bind failed with error 8341,
A directory service error has occurred..
Warning: CARBON is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
Warning: CARBON is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
Warning: CARBON is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
Warning: CARBON is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
Warning: CARBON is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
Warning: CARBON is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
Warning: CARBON is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
Warning: CARBON is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not
responding to DS RPC Bind.
Warning: CARBON is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not
responding to LDAP Bind.
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Replications
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test RidManager
w32time Service is stopped on [EXCHANGE01]
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Services
出于某种原因,您的 Exchange 服务器也是 DC,对吗?我认为这就是您的问题所在:如果我没记错的话,一旦您将 Exchange 放在 DC 上,Exchange 就会绑定到它在同一系统上共享的 DC 角色。如果此 DC 无法正常工作,那么任何依赖该 DC 正常工作的服务(例如 Exchange)都会出现问题。
无论如何,我认为 DCDiag 输出肯定指向更普遍的连接问题,在您过多担心 Exchange 之前需要解决这个问题。在考虑其他任何事情之前,您需要先解决这台机器上 DC 角色的所有问题,因为在解决此问题之前,您无法开始评估可能遇到的任何其他问题的真正影响。
查看您的 DCDiag 输出,并假设您已经完成了基本连接的常规测试,我想知道您是否遇到了 DNS 问题:
检查每个系统的 TCP/IP 设置是否配置正确 - DC 不应该仅仅将 DNS 指向它们自己。
如果一个或多个 DC(我特别想到的是 Exchange 服务器,但请检查所有 DC)是双宿主(多个网卡),则请检查此 DC 的 DNS 信息是否混乱 - 它可能已在 DNS 中注册了错误的 IP 地址,这将导致系统无法正常工作。修复该问题,然后查看您的位置。
如果这不起作用,那么可能是时候回头检查所有连接的基本知识了。你之前遇到的问题是什么?你做了什么来解决这些问题?DC 之间是否有任何防火墙(包括 DC 上的本地防火墙)可能导致连接问题?
我还要补充一点,除非 DC 问题很容易或很明显地解决,或者解决这些问题并不能显著改善 Exchange 的情况,否则这将是联系 Microsoft PSS 的好时机 - 特别是如果您没有此 Exchange 服务器的已知良好备份。