启用目录列表的文件夹有 2 个 zip 文件。我试图只下载其中一个(最新的)。问题是 zip 文件名是一个随机字符串。
wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=3 --no-parent --accept=zip$name/?C=M;O=A
这似乎会下载所有 zip 文件。我希望下载 wget 找到的第一个文件。有什么办法吗?
如果 zip 文件的大小明显大于其余数据,您可以设置--quota=max size of the smallest zipfile
-Q quota
Specify download quota for automatic
retrievals. The value can be specified in
bytes (default), kilobytes (with k suffix),
or megabytes (with m suffix).
Note that quota will never affect downloading
a single file. So if you specify wget -Q10k
ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/ls-lR.gz, all of
the ls-lR.gz will be downloaded. The same
goes even when several URLs are specified on
the command-line. However, quota is
respected when retrieving either recursively,
or from an input file. Thus you may safely
type wget -Q2m -i sites---download will be
aborted when the quota is exceeded.
Setting quota to 0 or to inf unlimits the
download quota.