

目前我正在评估微软的新 WorkFolder 功能,该功能听起来很有希望消除混乱的文件夹重定向功能。因此,我使用“文件和 iSCSI 服务”下的 ServerManager 安装了该功能并运行了向导。


Create sync share failed: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The service cannot find the resource identified by the resource URI and selectors. 

接下来我尝试使用 powershell 完成任务:

PS > New-SyncShare WorkFolderTest C:\WorkFolderTest -User "MYDOMAIN\Domain Users"


New-SyncShare : Not found
At line:1 char:1
+ New-SyncShare WorkFolderTest C:\WorkFolderTest -User "MYDOMAIN\Domain Users"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Msft_SyncShare:Root/Microsoft/.../Msft_SyncShare) [New-SyncShare], CimE
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041002,New-SyncShare

根据 technet 上的一些帖子,人们可以通过预先共享文件夹(在我的情况下是 C:\WorkFolderTest)来解决这个问题。但这对我来说不起作用。我在这里做错了什么?提前致谢。


应用程序事件日志显示以下错误。因此,这与 IIS WebCore 有某种关系。

Source:  HostableWebCore
EventID: 2276
Details: The worker process failed to initialize correctly and therefore could not be started.  The data is the error.

Source:  HostableWebCore
EventID: 2269
Details: The worker process for app pool 'SyncSharePool', PID='3916', failed to initialize the http.sys communication when asked to start processing http requests and therefore will be considered ill by W3SVC and terminated.  The data field contains the error number.

Source:  MsiInstaller
EventID: 1002
Details: Unexpected or missing value (name: 'x86\1033', value: '甅닔ă') in key 'HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Components\55EAFA0B8A4403B428FDE038B252C621'

此外,我无法启动“Windows Sync Sh​​are”服务。它失败并显示:

Windows could not start the Windows Sync Share on local computer. For more information, review the system event log. If this is a non-microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code **-2147024713**.


Source:  Service Control Manager
EventID: 7024
Details: The Windows Sync Share service terminated with the following service-specific error: 
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.


我能够使用 Windows 工程师需要具备的最重要的能力来解决这个问题:


虽然安装-WindowsFeatureCmdlet 明确表示无需重启... 但确实需要重启。解决了!!
