我们面临着 drbd corosync 集群的问题。
在一个主节点上,所有资源(mysql 服务、drbd)都运行正常。但第二个节点一直试图成为主节点。
lrmd: [25272]: info: RA output: (mysql-drbd:0:promote:stderr) 0: State change failed: (-1) Multiple primaries not allowed by config
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 lrmd: [25272]: info: RA output: (mysql-drbd:0:promote:stderr) 0: State change failed: (-1) Multiple primaries not allowed by config
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 lrmd: [25272]: info: RA output: (mysql-drbd:0:promote:stderr) Command 'drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 11
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Called drbdadm -c /etc/drbd.conf primary mysql-disk
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Called drbdadm -c /etc/drbd.conf primary mysql-disk
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Exit code 11
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Exit code 11
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Command output:
Oct 1 16:39:39 node2 drbd[25416]: ERROR: mysql-disk: Command output:
corosync 主/从状态不完美。请参阅下面的 corosync 状态。
[root@node1 ~]# crm status
Last updated: Thu Oct 2 09:01:30 2014
Stack: openais
Current DC: node1 - partition WITHOUT quorum
Version: 1.0.10-da7075976b5ff0bee71074385f8fd02f296ec8a3
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 4 Resources configured.
Online: [ node1 ]
OFFLINE: [ node2 ]
mysql-vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node1
Master/Slave Set: mysql-drbd-ms
Masters: [ node1 ]
Stopped: [ mysql-drbd:1 ]
mysql-fs (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started node1
mysql-server (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Started node1
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@node2 ~]# crm status
Last updated: Thu Oct 2 09:03:04 2014
Stack: openais
Current DC: node2 - partition WITHOUT quorum
Version: 1.0.10-da7075976b5ff0bee71074385f8fd02f296ec8a3
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 4 Resources configured.
Online: [ node2 ]
OFFLINE: [ node1 ]
Master/Slave Set: mysql-drbd-ms
mysql-drbd:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave node2 (unmanaged) FAILED
Stopped: [ mysql-drbd:1 ]
Failed actions:
mysql-drbd:0_promote_0 (node=node2, call=7, rc=-2, status=Timed Out): unknown exec error
mysql-drbd:0_stop_0 (node=node2, call=13, rc=6, status=complete): not configured
两个节点上的 DRBD 状态均显示良好
节点 1(主节点):
[root@node1 ~]# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.3.8 (api:88/proto:86-94)
GIT-hash: d78846e52224fd00562f7c225bcc25b2d422321d build by
[email protected], 2010-06-04 08:04:09
m:res cs ro ds p mounted fstype
0:mysql-disk Connected Primary/Secondary UpToDate/UpToDate C
[root@node2 ~]# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.3.8 (api:88/proto:86-94)
GIT-hash: d78846e52224fd00562f7c225bcc25b2d422321d build by
[email protected], 2010-06-04 08:04:09
m:res cs ro ds p mounted fstype
0:mysql-disk Connected Secondary/Primary UpToDate/UpToDate C
Now you have a cluster with two DC and every node are trying to start the resource
看来您每个节点上的 corosync 无法相互通信。这就是为什么每个节点都将其节点标记为在线。
- 在两个节点上停止 corosync。
- 更新支持单播 1.4.1 的 corosync 版本
- 更改您的 corosync 配置并添加以下内容:
- 启动 corosync
成员 {
memberaddr: <node1 IP> } member { memberaddr: <node2 IP> } ringnumber: 0 bindnetaddr: <Network address of your nodes> mcastport: 5405 }
允许端口 5404 和 5405 通过 Iptable 防火墙并在两个节点上启动 corosync。