哪个 IIS 功能控制 .NET 授权的显示?

哪个 IIS 功能控制 .NET 授权的显示?

我认为(并且这个帖子似乎证实了这一点)只要安装了 ASP.NET,.NET 授权选项卡就应该可用。(如果您也这么认为,请比较此截图发现事实显然并非如此。)


我们最初的问题是,我们希望通过这种方式解决,尽管 ASP.NET 4 已正确安装,并且两台服务器上的处理程序条目相同,但对 /api/MyApi 的调用并未路由到左侧服务器上我们应用程序的 MyApiController。顺便说一下,两台服务器都使用 WIndows2008R2。


我的经验是,.NET Framework 4 的安装与 ASP.NET 集成可能会非常麻烦。我通常会删除 ASP.NET,重新启动,然后重新安装 ASP.NET,以确保万无一失。


aspnet_regiis.exe /ua


aspnet_regiis.exe /i



C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis /?
Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegIIS version 4.0.30319.17929
Administration utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

                                           -- ASP.NET REGISTRATION OPTIONS --

-i                     Install this version of ASP.NET and update IIS configuration at the root level to use this
                       version of ASP.Net.

-ir                    Install this version of ASP.NET, register only. Do not change any web applications to use this

-iru                   Install this version of ASP.NET. If there are any existing applications that uses ASP.NET, it
                       will not change IIS configuration to use this version.

-enable                When -enable is specified with -i, -ir or -r, ASP.NET will be enabled in the IIS security
                       console (IIS 6.0 or later).

-disable               When -disable is specified with -i, -ir or -r, ASP.NET will be disabled in the IIS security
                       console (IIS 6.0 or later).

-s <path>              Install scriptmaps for this version at the specified path, recursively.
                       E.g. aspnet_regiis.exe -s W3SVC/1/ROOT/SampleApp1

-sn <path>             Install scriptmaps for this version at the specified path, non-recursively.

-r                     Install this version of ASP.NET and update scriptmaps at the IIS metabase root and for all
                       scriptmaps below the root. Existing scriptmaps are upgraded to this version regardless of the
                       original versions.

-u                     Uninstall this version of ASP.NET. Existing scriptmaps to this version are remapped to highest
                       remaining version of ASP.NET installed on the machine.

-ua                    Uninstall all versions of ASP.NET on the machine.

-k <path>              Remove all scriptmaps to any version of ASP.NET from the specified path, recursively (not
                       supported on Windows Vista and higher versions).
                       E.g. aspnet_regiis.exe -k W3SVC/1/ROOT/SampleApp1

-kn <path>             Remove all scriptmaps to any version ASP.NET from the specified path, non-recursively (not
                       supported on Windows Vista and higher versions).

-lv                    List all versions of ASP.NET that are installed on the machine, with status and installation

-lk                    List all the path of all IIS metabase keys where ASP.NET is scriptmapped, together with the
                       version. Keys that inherit ASP.NET scriptmaps from a parent key will not be displayed (not
                       supported on Windows Vista and higher versions).

-c                     Install the client side scripts for this version to the aspnet_client subdirectory of each IIS
                       site directory.

-e                     Remove the client side scripts for this version from the aspnet_client subdirectory of each IIS
                       site directory.

-ea                    Remove the client side scripts for all versions from the aspnet_client subdirectory of each IIS
                       site directory.

-ga <user>             Grant the specified user or group access to the IIS metabase and other directories used by

                                         -- CONFIGURATION ENCRYPTION OPTIONS --

-pe section            Encrypt the configuration section. Optional arguments:
                       [-prov provider] Use this provider to encrypt.
                       [-app virtual-path] Encrypt at this virtual path. Virtual path must begin with a forward slash.
                       If it is '/', then it refers to the root of the site. If -app is not specified, the root
                       web.config will be encrypted.
                       [-site site-name-or-ID] The site of the virtual path specified in -app. If not specified, the
                       default web site will be used.
                       [-location sub-path] Location sub path.
                       [-pkm] Encrypt/decrypt the machine.config instead of web.config.

-pd section            Decrypt the configuration section. Optional arguments:
                       [-app virtual-path] Decrypt at this virtual path. Virtual path must begin with a forward slash.
                       If it is '/', then it refers to the root of the site. If -app is not specified, the root
                       web.config will be decrypted.
                       [-site site-name-or-ID] The site of the virtual path specified in -app. If not specified, the
                       default web site will be used.
                       [-location sub-path] Location sub path.
                       [-pkm] Encrypt/decrypt the machine.config instead of web.config.

-pef section web-app-physical-dir
                       Encrypt the configuration section. Optional arguments:
                       [-prov provider] Use this provider to encrypt.

-pdf section web-app-physical-dir
                       Decrypt the configuration section.

-pc container          Create an RSA keypair in ContainerName. Optional arguments:
                       [-size key-size] Key-size. Default is 1024.
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.
                       [-exp] Make the private keys exportable.
                       [-csp provider] Csp Provider to use.

-pz container          Delete the ContainerName. Optional arguments:
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.

-pi container file     Import an RSA keypair from the Xml file. Optional arguments:
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.
                       [-exp] Create exportable keys.
                       [-csp provider] Csp Provider to use.

-px container file     Export an RSA keypair to the Xml file. Optional arguments:
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.
                       [-pri] Include private keys.
                       [-csp provider] Csp Provider to use.

-pa container account  Add access for the account to the container. Arguments:
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.
                       [-csp provider] Csp Provider to use.
                       [-full] Add full access (default is Read access).

-pr container account  Remove access for the account from the container. Arguments:
                       [-pku] User container instead of machine container.
                       [-csp provider] Csp Provider to use.
