inetd 和 echo 服务

inetd 和 echo 服务

inetd - 来自维基百科,

inetd(互联网服务守护程序)是许多 Unix 系统上的超级服务器守护程序,提供互联网服务。对于每个配置的服务,它都会监听来自连接客户端的请求。通过生成运行相应可执行文件的进程来处理请求,但诸如 echo 之类的简单服务由 inetd 本身提供. 外部可执行文件,根据请求运行,可以是单线程或多线程的。它首次出现在 4.3BSD [1] 中,通常位于 /usr/sbin/inetd。

请告知什么是服务 - echo?

  1. 如何禁用或启用此服务?
  2. 如果我们禁用回声服务,那么它将对哪些进程/其他进程产生影响?


 tail -20  /etc/inetd.conf 
 # Legacy configuration file for inetd(1M).  See inetd.conf(4).
 # This file is no longer directly used to configure inetd.
 # The Solaris services which were formerly configured using this file
 # are now configured in the Service Management Facility (see smf(5))
 # using inetadm(1M).
 # Any records remaining in this file after installation or upgrade,
 # or later created by installing additional software, must be converted
 # to smf(5) services and imported into the smf repository using
 # inetconv(1M), otherwise the service will not be available.  Once
 # a service has been converted using inetconv, further changes made to
 # its entry here are not reflected in the service.
 # CacheFS daemon.  Provided only as a basis for conversion by inetconv(1M).
 100235/1 tli rpc/ticotsord wait root /usr/lib/fs/cachefs/cachefsd cachefsd
 # TFTPD - tftp server (primarily used for booting)
 #tftp   dgram   udp6    wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.tftpd      in.tftpd -s /tftpboot

备注-此 grep 命令的结果为空:

 grep echo /etc/inetd.conf

摘自维基百科,(Echo 协议)

Inetd 实现[编辑]在类 UNIX 操作系统中,echo 服务器内置于 inetd 守护进程中。echo 服务通常默认不启用。可以通过将以下行添加到文件 /etc/inetd.conf 并告诉 inetd 重新加载其配置来启用它:

echo   stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
echo   dgram   udp     wait    root    internal



[me@lory ~]$ telnet localhost echo
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
please echo this
please echo this
it is for testing
it is for testing
telnet> quit



[me@lory ~]$ telnet localhost echo
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

还有一种 UDP 回显服务,可以使用例如以类似的方式进行测试netcat

为避免疑问,虽然禁用回声服务可能是安全的,但同样不是对于 inetd 来说确实如此,如果它正在运行,它几乎肯定负责您需要的服务。 不要尝试通过禁用 inetd 来禁用 echo
