我的辅助和第三 DC 上出现以下错误 (4612):
The DFS Replication service initialized SYSVOL at local path C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain and is waiting to perform initial replication. The replicated folder will remain in the initial synchronization state until it has replicated with its partner VIEW-A.ea-hq.com.
If the server was in the process of being promoted to a domain controller, the domain controller will not advertise and function as a domain controller until this issue is resolved.
This can occur if the specified partner is also in the initial synchronization state, or if sharing violations are encountered on this server or the sync partner.
If this event occurred during the migration of SYSVOL from File Replication service (FRS) to DFS Replication, changes will not replicate out until this issue is resolved. This can cause the SYSVOL folder on this server to become out of sync with other domain controllers.
Additional Information:
Replicated Folder Name: SYSVOL Share
Replicated Folder ID: 7706C7EB-D963-4D9D-9E71-42714B264668
Replication Group Name: Domain System Volume
Replication Group ID: A12B3A85-9A29-4851-BEA2-896BFC26AB90
Member ID: 9C343104-F159-4198-8F31-CF62CF53E6D7
Read-Only: 0
The DFS Replication service encountered an error communicating with partner VIEW-A for replication group Domain System Volume.
Partner DNS address: VIEW-A.ea-hq.com
Optional data if available:
Partner WINS Address: VIEW-A
Partner IP Address:
The service will retry the connection periodically.
Additional Information:
Error: 1753 (There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.)
Connection ID: A12B3A85-9A29-4851-BEA2-896BFC26AB90
Replication Group ID: 752FFA5C-36B1-4335-B2E9-9F1972037215
我该如何解决这个问题?我是否应该将主 DC 脱机(view-a)并重建它?
最近,当我的主 DC 的系统卷已满时,我遇到了一组类似的错误(我刚刚接手这项工作,而 DC 之前占用的硬盘空间不到 1 GB,我还没有来得及释放空间)。当它发生时,PDC 上的 nt 文件复制系统 (ntfrs) 已损坏。确保所有 DC 上的 sysvol 文件夹的结构模仿此处概述的文件夹结构这里。如果任何 DC 与该文件夹结构不匹配,您可能需要关闭 DFS 复制服务并更正文件夹结构,然后重新启动它。不幸的是,我的问题解决了 ntfrs 而不是 DFS 复制服务。希望同样的修复方法对您有用。