存储空间卡在“修复 9%”和“开始修复”

存储空间卡在“修复 9%”和“开始修复”

我有一个有 8 个磁盘和 2 个虚拟磁盘的存储空间。




“修复 9%”

永远(我测试了大约 1 到 2 天),任务详细信息显示



- "Virtual Disk Service", Error, ID=9, "Unexpected provider failure. Restarting the service may fix the problem. Error code: 80004005@02000014"
- "VDS Dynamic Provider", Error, ID=40, "The remove plex operation failed to complete. status=C038003B "
- "Ntfs", Warning, ID=50, "{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file . The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere."
- "disk", Warning, ID=51, "An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk16\DR16 during a paging operation."
- "disk", Warning, ID=51, "An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk14\DR14 during a paging operation."

无论磁盘盒是否直接连接到 Win2012r2 服务器,或者是否通过 iSCSI 安装在 Linux 服务器上,我都有相同的行为。

