扩展 KVM 卷

扩展 KVM 卷

我在 KVM 主机上有以下设置:

virsh # pool-info --pool pool
Name:           pool
UUID:           bb13c37c-47fe-c4a9-78a4-9c8abc7524fe
State:          running
Persistent:     yes
Autostart:      yes
Capacity:       1.64 TiB
Allocation:     712.00 GiB
Available:      963.12 GiB

virsh # vol-list --details --pool pool
Name                 Path                           Type     Capacity  Allocation
volume1              /dev/pool/volume1              block  192.00 GiB  192.00 GiB
volume2              /dev/pool/volume2              block  192.00 GiB  192.00 GiB
volume3              /dev/pool/volume3              block  192.00 GiB  192.00 GiB
volume4              /dev/pool/volume4              block  136.00 GiB  136.00 GiB

virsh # vol-info --pool pool volume3
Name:           volume3
Type:           block
Capacity:       192.00 GiB
Allocation:     192.00 GiB

我在卷 3 中运行虚拟机,磁盘几乎已满。在扩展虚拟机上的磁盘之前,我想我必须扩展底层卷。

但是当我尝试将卷 3 扩展到 500GB 时出现以下错误:

virsh # vol-resize volume3 --capacity 500G --pool pool --allocate
error: Failed to change size of volume 'volume3' to 500G

error: invalid argument: storageVolumeResize: unsupported flags (0x1)


virsh vol-resize volume3 --capacity 500G --pool pool
error: Failed to change size of volume 'volume3' to 500G

error: this function is not supported by the connection driver: storage pool does not support changing of volume capacity


编辑:我也尝试了 blockresize,没有变化:

virsh # blockresize volume3 /dev/pool/volume3 734003200
error: Failed to resize block device '/dev/pool/volume3'
error: internal error unable to execute QEMU command 'block_resize': An undefined error has occurred


首先,您需要使用lvresize命令调整块设备的大小,然后您需要告诉 libvirt 新的大小。


$ lvresize -L 500G /dev/pool/volume3
$ virsh blockresize volumes3 --path /dev/pool/volume3 --size 500G
