在前向区域插入 mx 记录

在前向区域插入 mx 记录

使用 bind9 将 MX 记录添加到前向区域的正确方法是什么(以及为什么)?

选项 A

@   IN MX 10 mx1.example.com.
@   IN MX 20 mx2.example.com.
mx1.example.com. IN A a.b.c.d
mx2.example.com. IN A a.b.c.d

选项 B

example.com.    IN MX 10 mx1.example.com.
example.com.    IN MX 20 mx2.example.com.
mx1.example.com. IN A a.b.c.d
mx2.example.com. IN A a.b.c.d



$ORIGIN 定义一个基值,在处理区域文件时,将从该基值进行“非限定”名称(没有终止点的名称)替换。该@符号是区域文件中 $ORIGIN 的简写。


$ORIGIN 可以在区域文件中明确指定,但通常从 Bind 配置文件中指定的区域名称中暗示:

// named.conf file fragment

zone "example.com" in{
    type master;
    file "example.com.zone";

; example.com.zone file fragment 
; no $ORIGIN present and is synthesized from the zone name in named.conf ==> example.com
@          IN      NS     ns1.example.com. 
; ns1.example.com. is the name server for example.com.
@          IN      MX 10  mx1.example.com. 
; mx1.example.com. is the primary mailserver name for example.com.    
$ORIGIN uk.example.com.
; explicitly define or "reset" $ORIGIN to uk.example.com.
; doing this mid-way in a zone-file is not common practice anymore (if it ever was) 
; but it will keep a large single zone-file somewhat more readable.
@          IN      NS     ns2.example.com. 
; functionally identical to
; uk.example.com. IN NS ns2.example.com
; ns2.example.com. is the name server for uk.example.com.


@   IN MX 10 mx1.example.com.
    IN MX 20 mx2.example.com.  ; another record for the @ record above
    IN NS    ns1.example.com.  ; yet another record for the @ record above
    IN NS    ns2.example.com.  ; and a 3rd continuation for the @ record above


@              IN MX 10 mx1.example.com.
example.com.   IN MX 20 mx2.example.com.
               IN NS    ns1.example.com. ; NS record for the example.com. record above
                                         ; the continuation can be to set different 
                                         ; record types for the same resource record name
example.com.   IN NS    ns2.example.com.

www            IN A
               IN A      ; or set multiple (round-robin) records when 
                                         ; continuing with the same record type.
