我正在尝试从现有的 VHD 文件在 MS Azure 平台上创建虚拟机。当我尝试时,我收到以下错误。是否有任何参数可以指定 NIC?在网上进行了一些研究,但没有合适的结果。
PS C:\Users\Rav> azure vm create --os-disk-vhd https://group11492.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/Integration201641775831.vhd
info: Executing command vm create
Resource group name: Default-Storage-WestUS
Virtual machine name: integration201641775831v
Location name: West US
Operating system Type: Linux
+ Looking up the VM "integration201641775831v"
info: Using the VM Size "Standard_DS1"
error: Either NIC Id or NIC name is required
info: Error information has been recorded to C:\Users\Rav\.azure\azure.err
error: vm create command failed
-I, --nic-ids <nic-ids> the list of NIC identifiers separated by comma.
In case of specifying multiple nics first one
will be set as primary.
-N, --nic-names <nic-names> the list of NIC names separated by comma.
In case of specifying multiple nics first
one will be set as primary.These NICs must
exists in the same resource group as the VM.
Please use nic-ids if that not the case.
This parameter will be ignored if --nic-ids
is specified
如果您没有看到这些参数,您可能需要更新您的 azure cli。