Exchange 2013 ContentIndex 状态失败

Exchange 2013 ContentIndex 状态失败

我有一个双节点 Exchange 2013 (CU15) DAG。邮箱服务器运行良好,但您无法在 Outlook 客户端或 OWA 中搜索。我发现的大多数文章都来自 2013 年,并讨论了 AD 中的 ContentSubmitters 组。我不确定,但我认为这与 CU15 无关。我刚刚在 3 月至 4 月从 Exchange 2010 迁移。

Exchange Search 和 Exchange Search Host Controller 服务已启动。我已停止这些服务,删除了 GUID.Single 文件夹并重新启动了服务,但没有创建新的 GUID 文件夹。我重新启动了服务器,问题仍然存在。

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

Name                                          Status          CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime   ContentIndex
                                                              Length    Length                             State
----                                          ------          --------- ----------- --------------------   ------------
DB05\MBX01                                    Healthy         0         1           6/22/2017 9:54:53 AM   Failed
DB04\MBX01                                    Healthy         0         0           6/22/2017 9:53:50 AM   Failed
DB03\MBX01                                    Healthy         0         0           6/22/2017 9:53:45 AM   Failed
DB02\MBX01                                    Healthy         0         0           6/22/2017 9:53:44 AM   Failed
DB01\MBX01                                    Healthy         0         0           6/22/2017 9:52:15 AM   Failed

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus | FL conte*

ContentIndexState            : Failed
ContentIndexErrorMessage     : The database has been dismounted.
ContentIndexErrorCode        : 4
ContentIndexVersion          :
ContentIndexBacklog          :
ContentIndexRetryQueueSize   :
ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl :
ContentIndexSeedingPercent   :
ContentIndexSeedingSource    :
ContentIndexServerSource     :

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -identity db01\mbx01 -CatalogOnly

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Seeding database copy "DB01\MBX01".
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
WARNING: Seeding of content index catalog for database 'DB01' failed. Please verify that the Microsoft Search
(Exchange) and the Host Controller service for Exchange services are running and try the operation again. Error: There
was no endpoint listening at
net.tcp://localhost:3863/Management/SeedingAgent-4FEA91B2-FD60-4743-B03A-08B319F04DB312/Single that could accept the
message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more

最后,在 CMD 中我检查了 tcp 端口状态。

netstat -ano

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
  TCP               LISTENING       3076



  1. 停止并禁用搜索服务并重命名数据文件夹“C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data”
  2. 重命名所有索引文件夹(Mailbox\_Catalog\12.1.Single)
  3. 打开 power shell 并导航到 C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\Installer
  4. 运行命令: .\installconfig.ps1 -action I -dataFolder “c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data”
  5. 启动“Microsoft Exchange 搜索”服务

