如何从旧的 Exchange Server 2007 中删除复制?

如何从旧的 Exchange Server 2007 中删除复制?

上周,我将我的所有邮箱、OAB 等迁移到了新的 Exchange 2007 Server(来自 2007)。我现在遇到的唯一问题是从服务器上卸载旧的 Exchange,以便我可以关闭。当我尝试时,我收到错误:

    Mailbox Role Checks              ......................... FAILED
     Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database': The public fo
lder database "EXCHSVR2007\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" is t
he default public folder database for the following mailbox database(s):
EXCHSVR2007\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database
EXCHSVR2007\First Storage Group\second
. Before deleting the public folder database, assign a new public folder databas
e to the mailbox database(s).


        Mailbox Role Checks              ......................... FAILED
     Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database': The public fo
lder database "PXE-EXCHSVR2007\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" cont
ains folder replicas. Before deleting the public folder database, remove the fol
ders or move the replicas to another public folder database. For detailed instru
ctions about how to remove a public folder database, see http://go.microsoft.com



好吧,经过几个小时的搜索和测试,我终于找到了答案。我必须使用 ADSI Edit 从域中删除公用文件夹存储,然后我才能成功卸载旧的 Exchange 服务器。这可能不太好,但确实有效:

在 中,ADSIEdit转到Configuration,,,,,,,,,,,,。然后在右侧窗格中,突出显示并将其删除 。ConfigurationServicesMicrosoft Exchange<YOUR ORGANIZATION>Administrative GroupsExchange Administrative GroupServers<SERVER NAME>Information Store<STORAGE GROUP NAME>Public Folder Store
