升级旧版 Dell Studio XPS 9100 台式机上的 PERCH700 RAID 卡固件,运行 CentOS 7.5

升级旧版 Dell Studio XPS 9100 台式机上的 PERCH700 RAID 卡固件,运行 CentOS 7.5

我在带有 Dell PERC H700 RAID 卡的旧款 Dell XPS studio 9100 台式机上运行家庭媒体服务器。

我一直试图升级 perc 卡上的固件,但一直无法升级,总是得到:

[root@centos Dell]# ./SAS-RAID_Firmware_9FVJ2_LN_12.10.7-0001_A13.BIN 
Collecting inventory...
....Can't open IPMI device
Running validation...
This Update Package is not compatible with your system configuration.
[root@centos Dell]#

我从这里下载了软件包 ->http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=9fvj2


[root@centos ~]# omreport storage controller | grep -v 'Not Applicable'
 Controller  PERC H700 Integrated(Embedded)

ID                                            : 0
Status                                        : Non-Critical
Name                                          : PERC H700 Integrated
Slot ID                                       : Embedded
State                                         : Degraded
Firmware Version                              : 12.10.6-0001
Minimum Required Firmware Version             : 12.10.7-0001
Driver Version                                : 07.702.06.00-rh2
Number of Connectors                          : 2
Rebuild Rate                                  : 30%
BGI Rate                                      : 30%
Check Consistency Rate                        : 30%
Reconstruct Rate                              : 30%
Cache Memory Size                             : 512 MB
Patrol Read Mode                              : Auto
Patrol Read State                             : Stopped
Patrol Read Rate                              : 30%
Patrol Read Iterations                        : 1
Abort Check Consistency on Error              : Disabled
Allow Revertible Hot Spare and Replace Member : Enabled
Auto Replace Member on Predictive Failure     : Disabled
Persistent Hot Spare                          : Disabled
Encryption Capable                            : Yes
Encryption Key Present                        : No
Encryption Mode                               : None
Spin Down Unconfigured Drives                 : Disabled
Spin Down Hot Spares                          : Disabled
T10 Protection Information Capable            : No

[root@centos ~]# 



  • 从上述原始帖子的链接下载固件。文件有一个.BIN扩展名,但它是一个带有内联二进制文件的 bash 脚本。
  • .BIN您可以从文件中提取二进制文件

    [root@centos ~]# ./SAS-RAID_Firmware_9FVJ2_LN_12.10.7-0001_A13.BIN --extract /tmp/
    [root@centos ~]# ll /tmp/payload/FW4651I.rom
  • 刷新固件,使用perccli实用程序并重新启动。

    [root@centos ~]# perccli64 /c0 download file=/tmp/payload/FW4651I.rom
  • 现在我得到了最新的固件版本

    [root@centos ~]# omreport storage controller | grep -v 'Not Applicable'
    Controller  PERC H700 Integrated(Embedded)
    ID                                            : 0
    Status                                        : Ok
    Name                                          : PERC H700 Integrated
    Slot ID                                       : Embedded
    State                                         : Ready
    Firmware Version                              : 12.10.7-0001
    Driver Version                                : 07.702.06.00-rh2
    Number of Connectors                          : 2
    Rebuild Rate                                  : 30%
    BGI Rate                                      : 30%
    Check Consistency Rate                        : 30%
    Reconstruct Rate                              : 30%
    Cache Memory Size                             : 512 MB
    Patrol Read Mode                              : Auto
    Patrol Read State                             : Stopped
    Patrol Read Rate                              : 30%
    Patrol Read Iterations                        : 1
    Abort Check Consistency on Error              : Disabled
    Allow Revertible Hot Spare and Replace Member : Enabled
    Auto Replace Member on Predictive Failure     : Disabled
    Persistent Hot Spare                          : Disabled
    Encryption Capable                            : Yes
    Encryption Key Present                        : No
    Encryption Mode                               : None
    Spin Down Unconfigured Drives                 : Disabled
    Spin Down Hot Spares                          : Disabled
    T10 Protection Information Capable            : No
    [root@centos ~]# /opt/MegaRAID/perccli/perccli64 /c0 show | grep 'FW Package Build'
    FW Package Build = 12.10.7-0001 


该更新包/工具仅支持企业服务器/存储平台。您需要提取固件文件 (FW4651I.rom) 并使用 LSI/Broadcom 的 sas2flash 之类的工具对其进行刷新。
