ZFS 和 rsnapshot 用于备份

ZFS 和 rsnapshot 用于备份

我目前运行一个 OwnCloud 服务器,其中有大约 25 个帐户,2.6 TB,并且还在适度增长。由于数据将在未来几十年内保存,因此 OwnCloud 数据位于镜像 ZFS 文件系统上,以保持数据完整性。我使用 rsnapshot 在 8 TB 驱动器(ext 文件系统)上保留每晚、每周和每月的快照,该驱动器会定期与另一个异地保存的 8 TB 驱动器交换。

将 8 TB 驱动器连接到任何 Linux 机器的简单性对于文件或系统恢复很有吸引力。这已经运行了 15 个月。尚未需要从备份中恢复,但 2 个故障驱动器已在 ZFS 上换出。

使用 ZFS 快照和/或在备份驱动器上使用 ZFS 来提高文件完整性是否有显著优势?什么是“最佳实践”或我当前的系统是否足以满足现在和将来的需求?



也就是说,rsnapshot这是一款很棒的软件,当send/recv不适用时我会广泛使用它(即:当目标在不同于 ZFS 的上运行和/或我需要将其连接到不具备 ZFS 功能的系统时)。


我使用 rsnapshot 来保存每小时/每日的数据,然后将每月的数据委托给 zfs 快照。这是使用 cron 作业来实现的,让 zfs 每周对数据集进行快照。

我发现以下事实具有显著优势:每周的数据都由 zfs 控制,数据易于访问,处于 ZFS 的完整性之下,而且我可以减少使用 Rsnapshot 保存的间隔。


 # weekly; run before monthly, runs 2:35 friday.  Make sure this
 #  runs after rsnapshot (particularly the hourly, which is
 #  frequently running).  The benefit using zfs rsnapshots is you can
 #  list the snapshots to see the filespace difference by each weekly,
 #  and additionally, you can now easily remove the 0B weeklys as
 #  clutter.
 2 * * 5 /bin/nice -17 /usr/local/sbin/zfs-rsnapshot

 # WEEKLY; runs 4:03 mondays
 03 04 * * 1   /bin/nice -17 /bin/rsnapshot weekly
 # DAILY; runs 5:03 daily
 03 05 * * *   /bin/nice -17 /bin/rsnapshot daily
 # HOURLY; run sync first, runs 03 mins after each hour (6am, 12pm, 18, and midnight) (sync has taken up to 45 mins to complete thus far, there may
 #       have been other proceses running at the time.  And the hourly copy took just under 10 minutes.  Total was about 52m runtime.
 03 06,12,18,00 * * *    /bin/nice -17 /bin/rsnapshot sync && /bin/nice -17 /bin/rsnapshot hourly

我遇到的问题是,出于某种原因,快照上的数据集似乎在增长(每次增长 3、4、5GB),我很难找出原因。假设我读得没错。

zfs list
NAME                                    USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT  
nas/live/rsnapshot                      279G  1.16T     84.2G  /nas/live/rsnapshot
~$ zfs list -o space
nas                                    1.16T  12.0T        0B   59.6K             0B      12.0T
nas/live                               1.16T   775G     45.9G   72.0K             0B       729G
nas/live/rsnapshot                     1.16T   279G      195G   84.2G             0B         0B

zfs list -t snap | grep rsnap
NAME                                                                                     USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1001                                                449M      -     96.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1008                                                171K      -     96.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1009                                                171K      -     96.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1015                                               3.57G      -     93.0G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1022                                               5.01G      -     96.3G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1029                                               4.27G      -     96.0G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1105                                               4.55G      -     96.8G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1111                                                590M      -     97.5G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2021-1112                                                712M      -     97.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0401                                               3.95G      -     95.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0408                                               2.92G      -     95.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0415                                               5.02G      -     95.8G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0422                                               4.26G      -     95.9G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0429                                               2.29G      -     96.1G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0506                                               2.26G      -     96.5G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0513                                               2.23G      -     96.3G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0520                                               3.09G      -     96.1G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0527                                               4.67G      -      103G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0603                                               4.45G      -      102G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0610                                               4.26G      -      116G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0617                                               3.94G      -      118G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0624                                               4.40G      -     84.4G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0701                                               3.08G      -     84.4G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0722                                               2.16G      -     84.2G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0729                                               2.97G      -     85.0G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0805                                               2.71G      -     85.3G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0812                                               2.13G      -     84.4G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0819                                               2.76G      -     84.4G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0826                                               2.16G      -     83.9G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-0902                                                790M      -     84.6G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@2022-1105_before_move_live-to-condor                                  798M      -     83.8G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-1111                                               3.71G      -     86.1G  -
nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-1118                                               3.72G      -     84.6G  -


## run cronjob to snapshot the last week of rsnapshot files.
#  Doing this weekly to limit amount of snapshots,
#  therefore will have to keep atleast 7 dailys, and the
#  hourlys, to do this, but if the cronjob doesnt run one
#  week, you will miss out on 1 day of data for every day that
#  the cronjob is out.  e.g. if cron stalls for 1 week, thats
#  7 dailys that will have been erased on the rsnapshot
#  server during that time.  So to protect this data be sure
# to keep the extra days in rsnapshot for anticipated cronjob
#  lag.

DATE=`date +%Y-%m%d`

#going weekly, so adding that to the name

#dataset name to snapshot

#run it
/sbin/zfs snapshot -r $DATASET@$SNAPNAME


snapshot_root   /nas/live/rsnapshot/
no_create_root  1
cmd_cp          /bin/cp
cmd_rm          /bin/rm
cmd_rsync       /bin/rsync
#cmd_ssh        /bin/ssh
cmd_logger      /bin/logger
cmd_du          /bin/du
cmd_rsnapshot_diff      /bin/rsnapshot-diff
#cmd_preexec    /path/to/preexec/script
#cmd_postexec   /path/to/postexec/script

#                       BACKUP LEVELS / INTERVALS                                       
#NOTE, this one isnt USED automatically, only for manual runs
#retain hourly  6
#retain daily   7
#retain weekly  7
#retain monthly 4

# Incrementing only 4 times daily, be sure to sync first.
interval        hourly  4
#dont need 7th daily, since its in weekly.
interval        daily   6
# NEW #
# MAKING CHANGES HERE FOR ZFS RSNAPSHOT script that moves the monthly, quarterly, and annual
#               over to ZFS to omit all the extra redundant rsnapshot copies (oh they were hardlinked
#               anyway werent they, oh well, maybe this will end up being cleaner)
# only need two weeks in total, so thats 1 weekly which combined with the daily covers the
#  two weeks for cronjob redundancy, giving cron a week of error stalling, before data loss
#  of the first rsnapshot daily entrys (one per day gets eaten by rsnapshot, if the cron
#  doesnt get it tO ZFS).  So, only 1 is needed, which is the redundant week of extra data.
interval        weekly  1
# OLD #
## dont need 4th week, since its in monthly.
#interval               weekly  3
##only 5, (to cover 6 months, which 1st quarterly contains the 6th nonth)), then move to quarterly
#interval               monthly 5
##only 3 since yearly contains the 4th
#interval               quarterly               3
## quarterly monthly and quarterly covers first year, add 1 additional year.
#interval               yearly  1

verbose         2
# Log level, isame as verbose, but these get written to the logs
loglevel        3
logfile         /var/log/rsnapshot
lockfile        /var/run/rsnapshot.pid
#stop_on_stale_lockfile         0
#rsync_short_args       -a
#rsync_long_args        --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded
#ssh_args       -p 22
#du_args        -csh
#one_fs         0
#include        ???
#exclude        ???
#include_file   /path/to/include/file
#exclude_file   /path/to/exclude/file
#link_dest      0

# using sync_first, (1), so run this exactly before you run your hourly, as a general rule.
sync_first      1

#use_lazy_deletes       0
#rsync_numtries 0
backup_exec     /bin/date "+ backup ended at %c"

我也使用 zfs send 将它们移出现场。

( set -o pipefail && zfs send -Ri @rsnap-weekly-2022-0902 nas/live/rsnapshot@rsnap-weekly-2022-1118 | pv | ssh <ip-of-upstream> zfs recv -Fvs int/live/rsnapshot )

我愿意接受改进,也愿意了解备份每次都会占用大量空间的原因。这可能是我快照的 Linux 系统上的日志和内容发生了变化,还是我遗漏了什么?不确定。欢迎发表评论。
