APC Smart-UPS 自行关闭?

APC Smart-UPS 自行关闭?

我有一台 APC Smart-UPS 3000。




UPS 网络界面受密码保护。请参阅此处的日志:最近发生的事件是系统管理员登录以检查发生了什么...

08/11/2019  19:39:25    apc Web user 'apc' logged in from   0x0015
08/11/2019  12:19:56    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 3, Outlet Group 3, is now turned on.   0x0134
08/11/2019  12:19:56    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 2, Outlet Group 2, is now turned on.   0x0134
08/11/2019  12:19:56    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 1, Outlet Group 1, is now turned on.   0x0134
08/11/2019  12:19:56    Device  UPS: The output power is now turned on. 0x0113
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: The output power is turned off.    0x0114
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: The graceful shutdown period has ended.    0x014F
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: Switched outlet group 3, Outlet Group 3, has been commanded to shutdown with on delay. 0x0174
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 3, Outlet Group 3, is now turned off.  0x0135
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: Switched outlet group 2, Outlet Group 2, has been commanded to shutdown with on delay. 0x0174
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 2, Outlet Group 2, is now turned off.  0x0135
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: Switched outlet group 1, Outlet Group 1, has been commanded to shutdown with on delay. 0x0174
08/11/2019  12:19:55    Device  UPS: The power for switched outlet group 1, Outlet Group 1, is now turned off.  0x0135
07/12/2019  22:22:43    Device  UPS: The battery is now installed.  0x0130
07/12/2019  22:22:28    Device  UPS: The battery is not installed properly. 0x012F


Network Management Card AOS v6.6.4
Smart-UPS & Matrix-UPS APP v6.6.4
NMC Serial Number: (hidden)

Model: Smart-UPS X 3000
UPS Serial Number: (hidden)
Firmware Revision: UPS 02.0 (ID10) 


编辑:2019 年 10 月 21 日,附加信息:几天前,UPS 离线,由于“逆变器故障”无法启动。因此,这种意外关机可能是 UPS 内部出现故障的征兆,我敦促遇到此类故障的任何人小心使用设备。我希望 APC 在发生这种情况时提供更详细的诊断。


有趣的是,与我的一样,当电池容量为 70% 时,Smart-UPS SRT 3000(+3 个附加电池组)无缘无故地切换了插座组 1 和 2。

09.10.2019 23:51:59 Device UPS: The power for switched outlet group 2, Outlet Group 2, is now turned off.   0x0135
09.10.2019 23:51:59 Device UPS: The power for switched outlet group 1, Outlet Group 1, is now turned off.   0x0135
09.10.2019 23:51:59 Device UPS: A DC bus overvoltage exists.    0x0163
09.10.2019 23:51:58 Device UPS: The output power is turned off. 0x0114
09.10.2019 23:51:58 Device UPS: The graceful shutdown period has ended. 0x014F
09.10.2019 23:51:58 Device UPS: No longer on battery power. 0x010A
09.10.2019 23:51:57 Device UPS: An input voltage or frequency problem no longer prevents switching to bypass mode.  0x0210
09.10.2019 23:15:28 Device UPS: Bypass not in range ; distorted waveform.   0x020F
09.10.2019 23:15:28 Device UPS: On battery power in response to rapid change of input.  0x0109

UPS 测试结果:

Test        Result  Date        Source          Cause
Self-Test   Passed  14.10.2019  management device   NA
Calibration Passed  04.10.2019  management device   NA

State of Charge
99.0 %
Runtime Remaining
2hr 14min 27sec
Battery Voltage
106.9  VDC
Replacement Battery Cartridge SKU
Battery Pack Status
Battery Pack        Health      Status
Internal Pack       [Okay]  OK  [Okay]  OK
Battery Pack 1      [Okay]  OK  [Okay]  OK
Battery Pack 2      [Okay]  OK  [Okay]  OK
Battery Pack 3      [Okay]  OK  [Okay]  OK

网络管理卡 (NMC) 报告正常关机

另一个例子是当 UPS 出现故障并进入故障旁路(旁路可用时)。大多数 Smart-UPS 在线设计(例如 SURT 和 SURTA 型号)在故障旁路时会关闭 UPS 的电池充电器。因此,电池会随着时间的推移而放电。当电池电量不足时,UPS 会关闭 UPS 的负载,因为它无法永远保持故障旁路(需要最低电池电压才能保持在线 Smart-UPS 的逻辑电源开启)。


有软件监控 UPS 吗?是否发生过停电?

看起来您的 UPS 有三相电源。如果任何一相断电,我预计它会开始断电循环。UPS 在通知系统关闭后通常会关闭电源。这是在关闭请求后使系统恢复正常运行所必需的。

我使用 NUT(网络 UPS 工具)软件来管理 UPS 和系统。其文档解释了关机/重启周期。大多数其他软件的行为相同。


您的电池可能有问题,并且当 UPS 尝试进行定期自我检测时,它无法维持电池的电力。

