

具体来说,对于 Wheezy,是否有人知道一些现有的镜像脚本是否仍然有效或可以给我指出正确的开始方向?

例如,Debmirror 是否可以与 archive.debian.org 配合使用? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror

我已经将最新的 debmirror 安装到我的 Ubuntu 16“镜像服务器”(我正在工作的本地 Ubuntu 16 镜像,希望它也可以作为本地 Wheezy 镜像)。

我假设它执行某种“通过 http 进行 rsync”。错误输出的一小部分:

+ debmirror -a i386 --no-source -s main,restricted,universe,multiverse -h archive.debian.org -d wheezy,wheezy-security,wheezy-updates -r /debian --progress --method=http /[REMOVED]/DebianMirror
Mirroring to /array0/DebianMirror from http://archive.debian.org/debian/
Arches: i386
Dists: wheezy,wheezy-security,wheezy-updates
Sections: main,restricted,universe,multiverse
Pdiff mode: use
Will clean up after mirroring.
Attempting to get lock ...
Updating remote trace files (using rsync) ...
rsync: failed to connect to archive.debian.org ( Connection refused (111)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(128) [Receiver=3.1.1]
Warning: failed to use rsync to download extra files.
Getting meta files ...
[  0%] Getting: dists/wheezy/Release...          #** GET http://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/Release ==> 500 Status read failed: Connection reset by peer (1s)
failed 500 Status read failed: Connection reset by peer
failed 500 Status read failed: Connection reset by peer
 Download of dists/wheezy/Release failed: 500 Status read failed: Connection reset by peer
Failed to download some Release, Release.gpg or InRelease files!
WARNING: releasing 1 pending lock...


apt-mirror 似乎工作正常: https://blog.programster.org/create-your-own-debian-7-mirror

我被网络问题困扰了,但是它似乎可以与archive.debian.org 很好地配合使用。
