两台主机之间的 OpenStack 迁移失败。使用 OpenStack Ussuri。两台主机上都有虚拟机在运行,并且能够托管新虚拟机。
darren@jacob:admin:~$ openstack compute service list
+--------------------------------------+----------------+--------+----------+---------+-------+-- --------------------------+
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 65640c54-641f-4cbf-91ba-dac39764ac31 | nova-scheduler | jacob | internal | enabled | up | 2021-01-15T23:57:22.000000 |
| 0aa0b80b-09e6-4e61-b222-dbf62b43ddda | nova-conductor | jacob | internal | enabled | up | 2021-01-15T23:57:26.000000 |
| f4dce946-94cf-482a-83d2-b32f1c7f87b5 | nova-compute | joseph | nova | enabled | up | 2021-01-15T23:57:19.000000 |
| 2b149fe0-9b9b-44b8-8d70-9fa5cf3b968b | nova-compute | judah | nova | enabled | up | 2021-01-15T23:57:27.000000 |
2021-01-15 15:39:43.263 30830 ERROR nova.conductor.tasks.migrate [req-a62d9ff4-be8b-4870-81a4-ebaf1c85ce37 993afae9dd9746b48f72fcafd974aef7 e98eaaf8e7ff403cb1180e9e29148890 - default default] [instance: 001f9cad-25ca-4f2d-b32c-01953d854dc5] Unable to find record for source node joseph.mcgrandle.com on joseph: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound: Compute host joseph could not be found.
2021-01-15 15:39:43.263 30830 WARNING nova.scheduler.utils [req-a62d9ff4-be8b-4870-81a4-ebaf1c85ce37 993afae9dd9746b48f72fcafd974aef7 e98eaaf8e7ff403cb1180e9e29148890 - default default] Failed to compute_task_migrate_server: Compute host joseph could not be found.: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound: Compute host joseph could not be found.
2021-01-15 15:39:43.264 30830 WARNING nova.scheduler.utils [req-a62d9ff4-be8b-4870-81a4-ebaf1c85ce37 993afae9dd9746b48f72fcafd974aef7 e98eaaf8e7ff403cb1180e9e29148890 - default default] [instance: 001f9cad-25ca-4f2d-b32c-01953d854dc5] Setting instance to ACTIVE state.: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound: Compute host joseph could not be found.
2021-01-15 15:39:43.318 30830 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server [req-a62d9ff4-be8b-4870-81a4-ebaf1c85ce37 993afae9dd9746b48f72fcafd974aef7 e98eaaf8e7ff403cb1180e9e29148890 - default default] Exception during message handling: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound: Compute host joseph could not be found.
我尝试用重新填充 nova 数据库,
# su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage db sync" nova
# su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --verbose" nova
darren@jacob:admin:~$ sudo nova-manage cell_v2 list_hosts
| Cell Name | Cell UUID | Hostname |
| cell1 | 9095885b-466f-41d4-9c85-45b5af7b5ce2 | joseph |
| cell1 | 9095885b-466f-41d4-9c85-45b5af7b5ce2 | judah |
| cell1 | 9095885b-466f-41d4-9c85-45b5af7b5ce2 | reuben |
darren@jacob:admin:~$ sudo nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells
| Name | UUID | Transport URL | Database Connection | Disabled |
| cell0 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | none:/ | mysql+pymysql://nova:****@jacob/nova_cell0 | False |
| cell1 | 9095885b-466f-41d4-9c85-45b5af7b5ce2 | rabbit://openstack:****@jacob:5672/ | mysql+pymysql://nova:****@jacob/nova | False |
以下是compute service list
darren@jacob:admin:~$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 65640c54-641f-4cbf-91ba-dac39764ac31 | nova-scheduler | jacob | internal | enabled | up | 2021-01-26T08:04:07.000000 |
| 0aa0b80b-09e6-4e61-b222-dbf62b43ddda | nova-conductor | jacob | internal | enabled | up | 2021-01-26T08:04:08.000000 |
| f4dce946-94cf-482a-83d2-b32f1c7f87b5 | nova-compute | joseph | nova | enabled | up | 2021-01-26T08:04:09.000000 |
| 2b149fe0-9b9b-44b8-8d70-9fa5cf3b968b | nova-compute | judah | nova | enabled | up | 2021-01-26T08:04:08.000000 |
| d306fe4f-1d12-41b7-a2c9-8f856247268b | nova-compute | reuben | nova | enabled | up | 2021-01-26T08:04:15.000000 |
我在 Ussuri 平台上也遇到了同样的情况。但这种情况只发生在少数实例上。我注意到,这些实例在镜像文件上没有标签(N/A(从卷启动))(当您执行 openstack server show 时)在我们的例子中,我们所有的实例都配置了从卷启动(不是临时的)并且这些实例似乎被标记为临时的,。我尝试执行 --block-migration,但它不起作用