允许用户使用 sudo 的 -D (--chdir) 选项

允许用户使用 sudo 的 -D (--chdir) 选项

我想让用户bob能够使用-D中的选项sudo(就像sudo -D /home bash打开 root shell一样/home)。



该选项相对较新(变更日志条目引入该功能的时间是 2020-09-01,而 Ubuntu 支持是从 Ubuntu 21 开始引入的)

man sudo

 -D directory, --chdir=directory
             Run the command in the specified directory instead of the current working
             directory.  The security policy may return an error if the user does not have
             permission to specify the working directory.


 runcwd        If set, sudo will use this value for the working directory when running a
               command.  The special value “*” will allow the user to specify the working
               directory via sudo's -D option.  See the Chdir_Spec section for more details.


 The working directory that the command will be run in can be specified using the CWD
 setting.  The directory must be a fully-qualified path name beginning with a ‘/’ or ‘~’
 character, or the special value “*”.  A value of “*” indicates that the user may specify the
 working directory by running sudo with the -D option.  By default, commands are run from the
 invoking user's current working directory, unless the -i option is given.  Path names of the
 form ~user/path/name are interpreted as being relative to the named user's home directory.
 If the user name is omitted, the path will be relative to the runas user's home directory.

 This setting is only supported by version 1.9.3 or higher


# /etc/sudoers or include from /etc/sudoers.d/
# Modify the defaults for the members of User_Alias USERLIST

Defaults:USERLIST   runcwd=*

# User alias specification

User_Alias  USERLIST = alice, bob

至于安全隐患:我觉得自己没有资格说它是否存在风险,或者它是否提供了新的滥用途径。我runcwd=* 粗略搜索了一下,也没找到任何赞成或反对的建议。
