由于 DNSSEC,Cloudflare 边缘证书停留在待验证状态

由于 DNSSEC,Cloudflare 边缘证书停留在待验证状态

大约 15 小时前,我已将我的域名添加到 CloudFlare,但 Edge 证书仍处于待处理状态。我尝试了帮助中心,得到的答案是使用https://letsdebug.ne​​t/并返回错误:

“在建立信任链时,没有密钥具有来自 ip.ip.ip.ip 的采用 ECDSAP256SHA256 算法的 DS,用于密钥 domain.com”

A fatal issue occurred during the DNS lookup process for domain.com/CAA.
DNS response for domain.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <novaboosting.com. CAA IN>: no keys have a DS with algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256 from ip.ip.ip.ip for key domain.com. while building chain of trust. Additionally, Cloudflare's resolver reported: no SEP matching the DS found for domain.com.

An error occurred while attempting to lookup the TXT record on _acme-challenge.domain.com . Any resolver errors that the Let's Encrypt CA encounters on this record will cause certificate issuance to fail.

DNS response for _acme-challenge.domain.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <_acme-challenge.novaboosting.com. TXT IN>: no keys have a DS with algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256 from ip.ip.ip.ip for key domain.com. while building chain of trust. Additionally, Cloudflare's resolver reported: no SEP matching the DS found for domain.com.

为了安全起见,我更改了域名和 IP

在我的域名注册商中没有启用 DNSSEC 的选项,我甚至无法进行高级 DNS 记录,因为我不使用默认名称服务器


域名是 novaboosting.com
