PageSpeed 无法调整 WebP 图像的大小

PageSpeed 无法调整 WebP 图像的大小

我的一位客户想要将他的图片转换为 WebP 格式,但经过一些测试后,我无法让 PageSpeed 像对其他格式那样调整它们的大小。

Rocky Linux 9:全新最小安装
ModPagespeed 版本:
启用 PageSpeed 过滤器:

ah  Add Head
cc  Combine Css
jc  Combine Javascript
gp  Convert Gif to Png
jp  Convert Jpeg to Progressive
jw  Convert Jpeg To Webp
mc  Convert Meta Tags
pj  Convert Png to Jpeg
ws  When converting images to WebP, prefer lossless conversions
db  Debug
ec  Cache Extend Css
ei  Cache Extend Images
es  Cache Extend Scripts
fc  Fallback Rewrite Css 
if  Flatten CSS Imports
hw  Flushes html
ci  Inline Css
ii  Inline Images
il  Inline @import to Link
ji  Inline Javascript
js  Jpeg Subsampling
rj  Recompress Jpeg
rp  Recompress Png
rw  Recompress Webp
ri  Resize Images
cf  Rewrite Css
jm  Rewrite External Javascript
jj  Rewrite Inline Javascript
cu  Rewrite Style Attributes With Url
cp  Strip Image Color Profiles
md  Strip Image Meta Data

将图像转换为三种不同的格式:PNG,JPG 和 WebP。

<img src="image.jpg" width="100" height="80"
<img src="image.png" width="100" height="80"
<img src="image.webp" width="100" height="80"

但是只有 JPG 和 PNG 可以调整大小,WebP 则不能。


    <img src="100x80ximage.jpg.pagespeed.ic.jWiwJkYbZC.webp" width="100" height="80" < div><!--Resized image from 700x560 to 100x80--><!--The image was not inlined because it has too many bytes.-->
    <img src="100x80ximage.png.pagespeed.ic.Pht8f0B3DS.webp" width="100" height="80" < div><!--Resized image from 700x560 to 100x80--><!--Image has no transparent pixels, is not sensitive to compression noise, and has no animation.--><!--The image was not inlined because it has too many bytes.-->
    <img src="image.webp.pagespeed.ce.WmRDo9dlUQ.webp" width="100" height="80" < div><!----><!--The image was not inlined because it has too many bytes.-->


    Resized image `' from 700x560 to 100x80
    Shrinking image `' (177955 bytes) to `' (4010 bytes)
    Resized image `' from 700x560 to 100x80
    Shrinking image `' (809637 bytes) to `' (4164 bytes)
    Couldn't resize image `' from 700x560 to 100x80
    Recompressing image `' (82120 -> 95886 bytes) doesn't save space; dropped.


  • JPG 大小已调整,从 177KB 缩减至 4KB
  • PNG 大小已调整,从 800KB 减小到 4KB
  • WebP 仍为 82KB

有人遇到过类似的事情吗?我在网上找不到太多关于 PageSpeed 调整 WebP 文件大小的信息。

