无法将日历空闲/忙碌信息从 O365 共享到外部联合域

无法将日历空闲/忙碌信息从 O365 共享到外部联合域

我有两个域,我正尝试通过联合共享日历的空闲/忙碌信息。SiteA 是 Exchange 2010 SP2 的内部部署。SiteB 是 Office 365 Enterprise 部署。

两个组织通过 MSFT 网关联合。

共享从 SiteA 到 SiteB 进行,这意味着 SiteB 的用户可以请求访问 SiteA 的用户并查看他们的日历。

无法从 SiteB 共享到 SiteA。

运行 Test-OrganizationRelationship 显示以下内容:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Test-OrganizationRelationship -UserIdentity [email protected] -Identity siteB -verbose
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.006 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Active Directory session settings for
'Test-OrganizationRelationship' are: View Entire Forest: 'False', Default Scope: 'mydomain', Configuration
Domain Controller: 'mydc', Preferred Global Catalog: 'mygc', Preferred
Domain Controllers: '{ mydc1, mydc2 }'
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.006 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Runspace context: Executing user:
[email protected], Executing user organization: , Current organization: , RBAC-enabled: Enabled.
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.006 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Beginning processing &
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.006 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension
agent "Admin Audit Log Agent".
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.037 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Current ScopeSet is: { Recipient Read Scope: {{, }},
Recipient Write Scopes: {{, }}, Configuration Read Scope: {{, }}, Configuration Write Scope(s): {{, }, }, Exclusive
Recipient Scope(s): {}, Exclusive Configuration Scope(s): {} }
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.037 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Searching objects "me" of type "ADUser" under the root
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.037 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Previous operation run on global catalog server
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.037 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Searching objects "siteB" of type "OrganizationRelationship"
under the root "$null".
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.037 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Previous operation run on domain controller
VERBOSE: Test that organization relationships are properly configured.
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.053 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Resolved current organization: .
VERBOSE: [20:24:06.053 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Calling the Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover service for the
 remote federation information.
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.084 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Autodiscover call succeeded for the following URL:
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.084 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Autodiscover call succeeded for the following URL:
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.084 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Autodiscover call succeeded for the following URL:
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.084 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Autodiscover call succeeded for the following URL:
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.084 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : Generating delegation token for user me@siteA for
application http://outlook.com/.
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.366 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The delegation token was successfully generated.
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.366 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover service is being called
 to determine the remote organization relationship settings.
VERBOSE: [20:24:09.366 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Client will call the Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover
service using the following URL: https://pod51041.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity.
VERBOSE: [20:24:10.553 GMT] Test-OrganizationRelationship : The Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover service failed to be
called at 'https://pod51041.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity' because the following error occurred:
 WebException.Response = <cannot read response stream>
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse

我找不到它失败的任何原因。它在 wssecurity 的自动发现调用时失败。所有在线帖子都说要为虚拟目录启用 wssecurity,但这不是 Office 365 完整在线部署的选项。坦率地说,O365 的联合共享应该“正常工作”

下一部分是从 SiteB(O365)到 SiteA(EX 2010)的组织关系数据

PS C:\Users\me> Get-OrganizationRelationship | fl
Creating a new session for implicit remoting of "Get-OrganizationRelationship" command...

RunspaceId            : b56a8f0b-7e7e-4e8c-bf5c-c33209e59b13
DomainNames           : {SiteA}
FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
FreeBusyAccessLevel   : LimitedDetails
FreeBusyAccessScope   :
MailboxMoveEnabled    : False
DeliveryReportEnabled : False
MailTipsAccessEnabled : False
MailTipsAccessLevel   : None
MailTipsAccessScope   :
PhotosEnabled         : False
TargetApplicationUri  : FYDIBOHF25SPDLT.SiteA.us
TargetSharingEpr      :
TargetOwaURL          :
TargetAutodiscoverEpr : https://autodiscover.SiteA.us/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity
OrganizationContact   :
Enabled               : True
ArchiveAccessEnabled  : False
UseOAuth              : False
AdminDisplayName      :
ExchangeVersion       : 0.10 (
Name                  : SiteA
DistinguishedName     : CN=SiteA,CN=Federation,CN=Configuration,CN=appriver3651001356.onmicrosoft.com,CN=ConfigurationUni
Identity              : SiteA
Guid                  : d01ce3d5-6b47-41c6-b597-9f5ed5aca4a8
ObjectCategory        : NAMPR04A001.prod.outlook.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Fed-Sharing-Relationship
ObjectClass           : {top, msExchFedSharingRelationship}
WhenChanged           : 7/19/2013 3:36:22 AM
WhenCreated           : 7/19/2013 3:36:13 AM
WhenChangedUTC        : 7/19/2013 10:36:22 AM
WhenCreatedUTC        : 7/19/2013 10:36:13 AM
OrganizationId        : NAMPR04A001.prod.outlook.com/Microsoft Exchange Hosted
                        Organizations/appriver3651001356.onmicrosoft.com - NAMPR04A001.prod.outlook.com/ConfigurationUn
OriginatingServer     : BL2PR04A001DC06.NAMPR04A001.prod.outlook.com
IsValid               : True
ObjectState           : Unchanged

这是从 SiteA (EX 2010) 到 SiteB (O365)

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OrganizationRelationship | fl

RunspaceId            : a9029d90-cdf0-494a-85ea-a960bc04f023
DomainNames           : {SiteB domains, 4 total}
FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
FreeBusyAccessLevel   : LimitedDetails
FreeBusyAccessScope   :
MailboxMoveEnabled    : False
DeliveryReportEnabled : False
MailTipsAccessEnabled : False
MailTipsAccessLevel   : None
MailTipsAccessScope   :
TargetApplicationUri  : http://outlook.com/
TargetSharingEpr      :
TargetOwaURL          :
TargetAutodiscoverEpr : https://pod51041.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity
OrganizationContact   :
Enabled               : True
ArchiveAccessEnabled  : False
AdminDisplayName      :
ExchangeVersion       : 0.10 (
Name                  : SiteB
DistinguishedName     : CN=SiteB,CN=Federation,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=my,DC=site
Identity              : SiteB
Guid                  : 458f9921-f2f8-4286-92e2-a3f0b8c444f1
ObjectCategory        : Mysite/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Fed-Sharing-Relationship
ObjectClass           : {top, msExchFedSharingRelationship}
WhenChanged           : 7/19/2013 10:37:58 PM
WhenCreated           : 7/19/2013 3:16:18 PM
WhenChangedUTC        : 7/20/2013 5:37:58 AM
WhenCreatedUTC        : 7/19/2013 10:16:18 PM
OrganizationId        :
OriginatingServer     : MyDC
IsValid               : True

需要注意的是,当我输入 TargetAutodiscoverEPR (https://pod51041.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity)系统提示我输入凭证,这意味着我收到的 404 错误是无稽之谈。

我注意到的另一件奇怪的事情是当我设置从 SiteA 到 SiteB 的组织关系时。运行 Get-FederationInformation 会为 SiteB 生成以下内容

PS C:\Users\me> Get-FederationInformation -DomainName SiteB
Creating a new session for implicit remoting of "Get-FederationInformation" command...

RunspaceId            : d6086380-948f-43db-9d0c-4ba7325b5a20
TargetApplicationUri  : outlook.com
DomainNames           : {SiteB domains, 4 total}
TargetAutodiscoverEpr : https://pod51041.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity
TokenIssuerUris       : {urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline}
IsValid               : True
ObjectState           : Unchanged

TargetApplicationUri 声明为“outlook.com”,这就是我在 SiteA EMC 中设置组织关系时输入的内容。但是,共享不起作用,测试后我得到了以下结果

PS C:\Users\me> Test-OrganizationRelationship -UserIdentity me@SiteB -Identity SiteA

RunspaceId  : d6086380-948f-43db-9d0c-4ba7325b5a20
Identity    :
Id          : ApplicationUrisDiffer
Status      : Error
Description : The TargetApplicationUri of the remote organization doesn't match the local ApplicationUri of the
              Federation Trust object. The remote URI value is http://outlook.com/. The local URI value is
IsValid     : True
ObjectState : New

RunspaceId  : d6086380-948f-43db-9d0c-4ba7325b5a20
Identity    :
Id          : VerificationOfRemoteOrganizationRelationshipFailed
Status      : Error
Description : There were errors while verifying the remote organization relationship SiteB.
IsValid     : True
ObjectState : New

我必须手动进入 Org Relationship 对象(SiteA 对 SiteB 的信任)并将 URI 从“outlook.com”更改为“http://outlook.com“感谢大家的分享,以便朝着这个方向努力。这是设置这一切的另一个怪癖,它让我想到这是 O365 方面的 MSFT 问题......


我也遇到了同样的问题,我以为我已经解决了,但花了大约 5 分钟


它将 TargetAutodiscoverEpr 更改为https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurityhttps://podxxxxx.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity它工作了大约 5 分钟,然后开始出现401错误。重新发现并再次恢复为 podxxxxxy 格式。



我在 Exchange 2010 SP2 RU5v2 上遇到了完全相同的问题。在与 Microsoft 的一位优秀工程师进行大量测试后,他建议更新到 Exchange 2010 SP3 UR2。他向我指出http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2896834/en-us。我们验证了我们确实遇到了 404 错误。

我现在正在准备升级到 SP3 UR2。希望这就是问题所在。

有趣的是,当我第一次配置 Federation 和 OrgRelationships 时,它工作得很好。它停止工作,要么是因为一些本地系统更改(即 Symantec SEP 的更新),要么是因为 O365 的最新更新。不幸的是,我不知道到底是什么触发了它……


我遇到了同样的问题。我的本地 Exchange 2010 无法查看 Office 365 Exchange 的空闲/忙碌信息。我运行此命令来设置 TargetSharingEpr,现在我可以查看 Office 365 日历的空闲/忙碌信息。在我运行该命令之前,变量是空白的。

设置组织关系“远程域”-TargetSharingEpr https://pod51041.outlook.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx/WSsecurity
