无法启动 Puppet

无法启动 Puppet

我想对 Puppet 代理执行 Puppet kick。但是,我无法在一台服务器上使用以下命令将 Puppet 作为代理启动。没有给出任何错误。

puppet 代理--无客户端--监听


Current version 
dpkg -l | egrep puppet
ii  facter                           1.7.2-1puppetlabs1           Ruby module for collecting simple facts about a host operating system
ii  hiera                            1.2.1-1puppetlabs1           A simple pluggable Hierarchical Database.
ii  puppet                           3.2.3-1puppetlabs1           Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts
ii  puppet-common                    3.2.3-1puppetlabs1           Centralized configuration management
ii  puppetlabs-release               1.0-7                        "Package to install Puppet Labs gpg key and apt repo"
ii  ruby-rgen                        0.6.5-1puppetlabs1           A framework supporting Model Driven Software Development (MDSD)


发现您需要创建 /etc/puppet/auth.conf 并使用所需的条目填充它才能工作。
