如何安装 UControl

如何安装 UControl

如何安装 UControlhttp://www.negusoft.com/index.php/ucontrol-downloads

它以 tar.gz 格式提供。我解压了它并尝试按照自述文件操作,但一无所获。要采取哪些步骤?

我正在尝试将我的 iPod 与电脑连接起来,这样我就可以通过蓝牙使用触控板。


你能具体说明一下你在哪里出错了吗?自述文件中的说明似乎很简单,但也许是因为我习惯使用 Linux。打开终端并输入:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev 

cd ~/whateverdirectoryyouunpackedto/
sudo sh install

That should be it, unless you get errors in which case report those.  Then you can run by the launcher in your applications or by typing


at the terminal.  Are your running a 32 bit system?  This package says that 64 bit is unsupported.
