安装 HDD 错误

安装 HDD 错误


Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x43425355  size: 4096   usa_ofs: 8850  usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument
Actual VCN (0x800006009000000) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x0).
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for more details.



在第一种情况下,在 Windows 上运行 chkdsk /f,然后重新启动 Windows 两次。

如果您有 Windows,请启动它,选择分区,右键单击 -> 属性 -> 工具 -> 检查磁盘。

或者,您可以chkdsk /f Driveletter:在以管理员权限打开命令提示符后执行。


如果您没有 Windows,您可以尝试 Linux 程序:

sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs
sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1
