如何使用 xfce 突出显示桌面上的项目?

如何使用 xfce 突出显示桌面上的项目?

我正在使用 xfce,但桌面上的符号文本没有颜色下划线,这意味着我很少能看到它们(深蓝色上的黑色)。-> 就像家和垃圾桶




The colors of the icon text and the icon text background, as well as the
opacity of the icon text background, can be customized by putting directives
similar to the following in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file:

style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {

    XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 75
    base[NORMAL] = "#00ff00"
    base[SELECTED] = "#5050ff"
    base[ACTIVE] = "#0000ff"

    fg[NORMAL] = "#ff0000"
    fg[SELECTED] = "#ff0000"
    fg[ACTIVE] = "#ff0000"
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

The first entry sets the opacity of the rounded text background. The three 
“base” entries set the text background color, and the three “fg” entries 
set the text color.

The “NORMAL” entries set the color for the regular, unselected state. The 
“SELECTED” entries set the color for when the icon is selected, and the
desktop has keyboard focus. The “ACTIVE” entries set the color for when 
the icon is selected, but the desktop does not have keyboard focus. 

(如果你没有隐藏文本在您的主文件夹中创建一个名为 .gtkrc-2.0 的文件,使用文本编辑器创建它并将上面的建议放入其中。显然,您必须选择与您的壁纸兼容的背景和文本颜色(如果有)。大多数操作系统都带有颜色选择器。我使用 Ubuntu 软件中心的 gcolor2。)

我觉得,最新版本的 Greybird 是 Xubuntu 的默认主题,现在有一个部分/usr/share/themes/Greybird/gtk-2.0/gtkrc可以进行调整,而不是~/.gtkrc-2.0。只需搜索 style "xfdesktop-icon-view"。(Greybird 包含在 中shimmer-themes。)
