没有剩余 inode 错误,df -i 命令显示相反信息

没有剩余 inode 错误,df -i 命令显示相反信息

I copied a lot of files in my mounted Windows drive from Ubuntu and I subsequently ran into Error opening file '/media/windows/<some-file-path>': No space left on device error. I checked the output of df -i command to see if I had ran out of inodes for the mounted Windows drive:

Filesystem        Inodes   IUsed     IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/sda5        2363904  504119   1859785   22% /
udev              207621     522    207099    1% /dev
tmpfs             211487     450    211037    1% /run
none              211487       3    211484    1% /run/lock
none              211487       7    211480    1% /run/shm
none              211487      19    211468    1% /run/user
/dev/sda2      458686680 2588876 456097804    1% /media/windows

如以上输出所示,驱动器有大量可用的 inode /media/windows

我还有很多剩余的磁盘空间——大约 500GB。那么问题是什么呢?


好的,问题解决了。Windows 驱动器已损坏,不知何故阻止 Ubuntu 向其写入任何数据。我在 Windows 启动时运行了磁盘检查程序,现在一切正常。
