如何在 Ubuntu 14.04 x64 上安装 OALD8?

如何在 Ubuntu 14.04 x64 上安装 OALD8?

我正在运行 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64



我能够让牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版)工具在我的 Xubuntu 14.04 机器上运行。它并不完美,但它正在运行。:)

无需在系统范围内安装它(即使用 sudo)。

我认为您有词典附带的 CD。将其插入您的机器。



mkdir ~/Downloads/oald8


cd /pathtomedia/OALD8
cp -r linux oald8.data ~/Downloads/oald8
cd ~/Downloads/oald8

3)现在执行设置文件来自 linux/setup.data/bin/Linux/x86。

cd linux

此安装程序将要求安装 ~/oald8 处的文件。我认为您应该接受这种方式。


牛津高阶英汉双解词典的工具和库都是 32 位的。因此,如果您目前没有 32 位兼容性,您将收到如下消息:

bash: ./setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup: No such file or directory


sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386

您还需要以下软件包才能使 oald8 的库正常工作:

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libpangoxft-1.0-0:i386 libpangox-1.0-0:i386


sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386

如果第 3 步一切顺利,现在您的桌​​面上有一个图标。点击它后,系统会抱怨说它不受信任(将其标记为可执行文件,警告将停止)。

程序启动后,它会抱怨flashplayer。但你无法通过flashplugin-安装程序:i386因为它与当前的 flashplugin-installer 冲突。

如果你在终端中运行 oald8,你会发现它需要一个 32 位版本的libnssutil3.so.1d(属于libnss3-1d:i386) 和libplc4.so.0d(属于libnspr4-0d:i386)。但是在安装这些库之后,我得到了一个分段故障(太棒了!)。


在网上搜索,我发现这个博客。那个很棒的家伙演示了如何修复 flash 库并解释了声音问题(我以为因为 flash 而没有声音!)。

4) 他建议使用 libflashplayer 版本 9r280+(它在我的机器上工作正常)。您可以从 macromedia 档案库下载它,或者您可以尝试获得命令。

cd ~/oald8/plugins
mv libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so.old
mkdir flash9
cd flash9

wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp9r280_plus_archive.zip

unzip fp9r280_plus_archive.zip
tar -xvzf fp9r280_and_higher_archive/9r280/flashplayer9r280_linux.tar.gz
cp libflashplayer.so ../

5) 他还解释了声音问题,并建议使用 padps 包装器。它应该使用 32 位 libpulsedsp.so,因此,您需要安装 libpulsedsp:i386 包。

sudo apt-get install libpulsedsp:i386

不幸的是,垫片脚本将坚持使用 LD_PRELOAD 环境变量中的 64 位版本库。因此,padsp 对于这个问题毫无用处,并且在运行oald8命令之前,您需要自行设置LD_PRELOAD。(将 32 位版本的库放在 64 位文件夹中也可以……但这是一个不太优雅的解决方案)。

cd ~/oald8
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/libpulsedsp.so ./oald8

最后,您可以将其自动化。我建议您打开 run-oald8.sh 文件,并包含(例如,在第 68 行)以下命令:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/libpulsedsp.so

它还不完美,但现在我可以使用 95% 的工具。:D


首先安装应用程序 stardict。

sudo apt-get install stardict





** 您也可以运行该setup.sh文件


sudo bash setup.sh



  1. 我从牛津 CD 创建了一个 iso 文件。

  2. 然后 iso 文件里面有一个文件夹,名字是 linux。你应该把它复制到外面,里面有一个.sh安装软件的文件。

就像下面这张图: 在此处输入图片描述

  1. 然后运行它:./setup.sh 就是这样。


----====== OAAD installation program ======----

You are running a x86 machine with libc5
Hit Control-C anytime to cancel this installation program.


The literary material and computer software programs in this CD-ROM ("the Software") and any associated documen
tation are protected by copyright laws worldwide. The copyright is owned or licensed to Oxford University Press

1.      LICENCE 
OUP grants you the non-exclusive non-transferable right to use the Software on a single computer of the type sp
ecified in the packaging. You may not network the Software. 

2.1     Without prejudice to any statutory rights so to do and except as expressly permitted by this licence, y
ou must not modify, adapt, distribute, transmit, transfer, publish, reproduce or alter any of the Software or a
ny associated documentation.
2.2     Recognising the damage to OUP's business which would flow from unauthorized use of the Software and any
 associated documentation, you will make every effort to keep the CD-ROM and associated documentation secure bo
th during the continuance of this licence and after its termination.

You may terminate this licence at any time by destroying the Software and any associated documentation.  This l
icence will also terminate if you breach any of its terms.

4.1     OUP warrants that the Software will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use 
and will conform to the published specification for 90 days from the date you receive it.
4.2     The above warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied and representations and in par
ticular but without limitation to the foregoing:
4.2.1   OUP gives no warranties and makes no representations that the Software will be suitable for any particu
lar purpose or for use under any specific conditions notwithstanding that such purpose or conditions may be kno
wn either to OUP or the dealer from whom you acquired the CD-ROM;
4.2.2   OUP accepts no responsibility for any mathematical or technical limitations of the Software;
4.2.3   OUP does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or free from errors. 

5.1     The entire liability of OUP and its suppliers and your exclusive remedy shall at OUP's option be replac
ement of the CD-ROM disc.
5.2     Save in the case of death or personal injury, in no circumstances will OUPor its suppliers be liable fo
r any damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of data, loss of business, loss of prof
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ftware or any associated documentation.
5.3     Links to any third party websites are provided by OUP for information only and OUP disclaims any respon
sibility for any materials contained in any third website to which a link is provided.

6.      LAW 
This licence is governed by English law and the English Courts shall have jurisdiction.

Do you agree with the license? [Y/n] 
Please enter the installation path [/home/shu/oaad] 
'Application and data files' option will be installed.
'Minimal data files and application' option will be installed.
'Sound files' option will be installed.
'Permission handling' option will be installed.
'Install fonts' option will be installed.
'Install desktop shortcut' option will be installed.
Installing to /home/shu/oaad/
170492 MB available, 363 MB will be installed.

Continue install? [Y/n] 
Installing Application and data files ...
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//CD_Licence.txt
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/plugs.jar
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/en-US.jar
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/modern.jar
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/toolkit.jar
  16% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/comm.jare.txt
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/comm.jar
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/oad/img/popups-btn.pnglex-bg.png
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/oad/img/interface/toolbar-btn.pngnggggg
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/oaad/img/popups-btn.pnglex-bg.pngif

 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/oaad/img/interface/toolbar-btn.pngnggggg
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/obad/img/popups-btn.pnglex-bg.pngg.png
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/skin/obad/img/interface/toolbar-btn.pngnggggg
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/word_family_negative.swfg.png
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/jumbledwords.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/listentype.swfp.xmlxmlmlxmll
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/word_forms.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/word_definitions.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/word_family.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/which_words.swfswfopriate.flawfns.swf.fla
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/wwtv.swfpp.xmlxmlmlxmll
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/opposites_synonyms.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/wdtv.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/images/piecharts.jpg
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/ald8ex.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/words_in_context.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/iwriter.swf
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/oaad/content/flash/prepositions.swf.mp333
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//chrome/inspector.jarntents.rdfrface.xulxml
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libhtmlpars.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libuconv.soptso
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libnecko.sotso
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libwidget_gtk2.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libtransformiix.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libimglib2.sootener.js
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libxpconnect.so.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libdocshell.sopto
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libappcomps.som.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libgfxps.soscom.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libmork.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libgfx_gtk.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libeditor.soxpcom.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libpipnss.sosptt
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libi18n.sorxpcom.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libgklayout.soso
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//components/libxpinstall.sopt
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libSDL-1.2.so.0s.jss.jsfrdfome-example.csss
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libaspell.so.15
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libmozjs.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libnspr4.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libnss3.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libnssckbi.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libsmime3.so.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libsmpeg-0.4.so.0
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libsoftokn3.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libssl3.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libstdc++.so.5
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//libxpcom_core.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//plugins/libflashplayer.so
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//./icon.xpmkfindbecursor.so.soifiesrties
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//./splash.xpm
 Running script
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'fs.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'pic.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'resources.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'thumb.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'topics.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
Installing Minimal data files and application ...
 100% - /home/shu/oaad//oaad.data/topics.jar
chdir(push: ../oaad.data): No such file or directory
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'us_pron.skn' in '/home/shu/Desktop/linux'
Installing Sound files ...
 Fixing data
 Install fonts

 Install desktop shortcut

Installation complete.


  1. 现在通过你的终端设置它的权限:chmod +x aood.desktop



那么你应该把mount原始 iso 做成 CD-ROM,这样软件就可以使用它了。
我试过了mount -t iso9660 -o loop,但失败了。

  1. 相反,你可以安装CDemu虚拟 CD/DVD 驱动器 然后 :

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cdemu/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install gcdemu cdemu-client

之后运行它并挂载你的 iso 文件。
现在,如果你运行图标,OAAD你就会得到它 :)


Ubuntu 16.04 LTS | x86
