

我在一台原始分辨率为 1920x1024 的笔记本电脑上运行 Xubuntu 14.04。在最新的自动更新(包括将内核升级到 3.13.0-92-generic)之后,最大可用屏幕分辨率降至 1024x768。

$ xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   1024x768       76.0* 

我正在使用 nvidia-352 驱动程序;lspci 显示

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GTX 660M] (rev a1)

下列的https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution#Problem:__Wrong_resolutions.2C_refresh_rates.2C_or_monitor_specs,我查看了 /var/log/Xorg.0.log,其中显示:

[    49.227] (EE) NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the
[    49.227] (EE) NVIDIA:     system's kernel log for additional error messages and
[    49.227] (EE) NVIDIA:     consult the NVIDIA README for details.
[    49.227] (EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
[    49.227] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory
[    49.227] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting
[    49.227] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory

内核日志为 0 字节。不知道这是怎么回事。

sudo get-edid|parse-edid崩溃了,但在崩溃之前,它给了我

This is read-edid version 3.0.1. Prepare for some fun.
Attempting to use i2c interface
Looks like no busses have an EDID. Sorry!
Attempting to use the classical VBE interface

    Performing real mode VBE call
    Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f00 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
Partial Read... Try again

[编辑] 根据@mikewhatever,内核 3.13.0-92-generic 仍在建议的存储库中。事实上:

$ apt-cache policy linux-image-3.13.0-92-generic
  Installed: 3.13.0-92.139
  Candidate: 3.13.0-92.139
  Version table:
  *** 3.13.0-92.139 0
        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-proposed/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

linux-image-3.13.0-91-generic 不是已安装。重新启动后3.13.0-89-generic仍未修复该问题。




事实证明,内核升级只是一个幌子——问题在于同时发生的安全启动升级,它将 NVidia 驱动程序列入了黑名单。

这与此处发现的问题基本相同:Ubuntu 16.04 内核 4.4.0-21 不再加载 nvidia/vboxdrv 模块(所需密钥不可用)


$ sudo modprobe -v nvidia
insmod /lib/modules/3.13.0-92-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_361.ko 
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_361': Required key not available

通过在 BIOS 中禁用安全启动来修复


同样的问题,我启动了 3.13.0-91-generic,一切正常。但是,启动 3.13.0-92-generic 时会出现问题。似乎我的 Nvidia X Server 设置在 3.13.0-92-generic 中被彻底清除了。

