ChatZilla 连接被拒绝

ChatZilla 连接被拒绝

我是 ChatZilla 和 IRC 的新手。我尝试连接到 Moznet,但出现以下错误:

[INFO] Attempting to connect to “moznet”. Use /cancel to abort.
[INFO] Connecting to irc://moznet/ (irc://… [Cancel]
[ERROR] Connection to irc://moznet/ (irc:// refused. >[Help] Reconnecting in 15 seconds. [Cancel]
[INFO] Connecting to irc://moznet/ (ircs://… >[Cancel]
[ERROR] Connection to irc://moznet/ (ircs:// >refused. [Help] Reconnecting in 15 seconds. [Cancel] [INFO] Connecting to irc://moznet/ (irc://… [Cancel]
[ERROR] Connection to irc://moznet/ (irc:// refused. >[Help] Reconnecting in 15 seconds. [Cancel]

我阅读了常见问题解答,其中说防火墙可能阻止了 TCP 端口 6667 的传出。我点击了以下链接:IRC 服务和 UFW 防火墙规则并在终端中运行以下命令:

sudo ufw allow out 6660:7000/tcp


Rules updated
Rules updated (v6)

但我仍然无法连接到 Moznet。我正在使用 Ubuntu 15.04 和 ChatZilla 版本 0.9.92。
