如何在 Ubuntu 18.10 上安装 Arpon?

如何在 Ubuntu 18.10 上安装 Arpon?

Ubuntu 16.04 说明已过时(配置文件未列出相同的设置)。例如,没有

DAEMON_OPTS="-q -f /var/log/arpon/arpon.log -g -D"

最新设置 arpon_3.0-ng+dfsg1-1


# Options for arpon(8)

# You must choose between static ARP inspection (SARPI), dynamic ARP inspection
# (DARPI), and hybrid ARP inspection' (HARPI).  You can also pass other options
# to the daemon as explained in arpon(8), but do NOT pass `--daemon` or
# `--interface` (those will be added automatically as needed).

# DAEMON_ARGS="--sarpi"
# DAEMON_ARGS="--harpi"

# when using systemd you have to enable arpon explicitly for each interface
# you want to run it on:
systemctl enable arpon@eth0
systemctl start arpon@eth0

# For the LSB init script, enter a list of interfaces into the list below;
# arpon will be started to protect ARP on these interfaces.
# Note: This is ignored when using systemd!
# INTERFACES="eth0 eth1"

我已经安装了它,但当我尝试通过终端运行任何 arpon 命令时出现以下错误,

user@user:/var/run$ sudo arpon -d -i eth0 -s
ERROR: msg.c:232 msg_init: 'No such file or directory'.

pid 存在,但是当我运行

$ cat /var/run/arpon.pid它什么也没显示。



sudo mkdir /var/log/arpon

