启动画面没有 Ubuntu 徽标

启动画面没有 Ubuntu 徽标

Ubuntu 运行正常,但启动画面看起来类似于此:

我使用的是 19.10。但我在 18.04 和 19.04 中也遇到了类似的问题。

输出sudo update-alternatives --display default.plymouth

 link best version is /usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt/bgrt.plymouth
 link currently points to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt/bgrt.plymouth
 link default.plymouth is /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth
 slave default.plymouth.grub is /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.grub
/usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt/bgrt.plymouth - priority 110
/usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner/spinner.plymouth - priority 70
/usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth - priority 100
 slave default.plymouth.grub: /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.grub




echo "FRAMEBUFFER=y" | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
sudo update-initramfs -u


这看起来像是普利茅斯。 我的建议:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall  plymouth-themes


sudo update-initramfs -u


您可以通过以下方式获取存储库中可用的主题列表Synaptic 包管理器或者通过命令行aptitude:

$ aptitude search plymouth-theme
p   lubuntu-plymouth-theme        - plymouth theme for Lubuntu
p   plymouth-theme-fade-in        - graphical boot animation and logger - fade-in theme
p   plymouth-theme-glow           - graphical boot animation and logger - glow theme
i   plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo   - graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme
p   plymouth-theme-sabily         - plymouth theme for Sabily
p   plymouth-theme-script         - graphical boot animation and logger - script theme
p   plymouth-theme-solar          - graphical boot animation and logger - solar theme
p   plymouth-theme-spinfinity     - graphical boot animation and logger - spinfinity theme
p   plymouth-theme-text           - graphical boot animation and logger - text theme
c   plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo    - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
i   plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text    - graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
p   plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio   - Ubuntu Studio Plymouth theme
p   xubuntu-plymouth-theme        - Plymouth theme for Xubuntu

然后您可以照常通过 Synaptic 或 aptitude 安装生成的软件包:


$ sudo aptitude install plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo
