金士顿 HyperX amp USB 声卡:未检测到麦克风(Ubuntu 18.04)

金士顿 HyperX amp USB 声卡:未检测到麦克风(Ubuntu 18.04)

HyperX amp USB 声卡的麦克风未显示在 Ubuntu 的声音设置中。声音输出正常。

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 013: ID 0951:16d8 Kingston Technology

$ arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 3: Amp [HyperX Amp], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

$ alsamixer -c 3
cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument




我针对较新的耳机的问题写了这篇文章,它应该仍然适用于你。简短的回答是你的内核太旧了,因为这是他们修复的第一个 HyperX 怪癖。较长的回答是:

内核更新在 5.7rc3 中引入了针对此问题的补丁(专门针对此耳机)。修补后,您的 dmesg 输出应该有一行如下内容:

[    6.804026] kernel: usb 1-1: Found post-registration device assignment: 095116ea:02


Module snd-usb-audio
    The option is needed for devices that have multiple streams
    defined in multiple USB interfaces.  The driver may invoke
    registrations multiple times (once per interface) and this may
    lead to the insufficient device enumeration.
    This option receives an array of strings, and you can pass
    ID:INTERFACE like ``0123abcd:4`` for performing the delayed
    registration to the given device.  In this example, when a USB
    device 0123:abcd is probed, the driver waits the registration
    until the USB interface 4 gets probed.
    The driver prints a message like "Found post-registration device
    assignment: 1234abcd:04" for such a device, so that user can
    notice the need.

因此,利用从 dmesg 获取的上述信息以及从配置文档中获取所需的字段,将其添加到 alsa-base.conf 的末尾

# Add delayed register for HyperX Cloud Flight S Headset
options snd-usb-audio delayed_register=095116ea:02


顺便提一下,snd-usb-audio 模块中还有另一个选项

    Quirk alias list, pass strings like ``0123abcd:5678beef``, which
    applies the existing quirk for the device 5678:beef to a new
    device 0123:abcd.

这让我相信你可以复制内核 5.4 为“Kingston HyperX AMP”编写的怪癖并将其应用于此耳机,以及添加延迟寄存器,它将在 5.7 之前工作。由于我已经下定决心并进行了内核升级,所以我不会回头检查。如果有人让它工作,请告诉我,我会在这里更新帖子。它应该像以下一样简单:

options snd-usb-audio quirk_alias=095116ea:095116d8 delayed_register=095116ea:02

