Ubuntu 20.04.1 探测局域网打印机

Ubuntu 20.04.1 探测局域网打印机

我在 Leno T470s 笔记本电脑上全新安装 v20.04。安装没有问题,所有部件似乎都正常工作。到目前为止非常满意。

但是,每次我启动笔记本电脑时(甚至在工作或空闲时),我的 EPSON WF-7520 LAN 打印机都会被探测(发现/浏览)。这让我和家人抓狂,因为探测会让打印机做出反应,就好像它刚刚初始化一样。即使我没有添加打印机,也会发生这种情况。打印机不是“自动”添加的。我手动添加了打印机。


  1. 编辑 /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf,

    $ BrowseProtocols none
    $ BrowseRemoteProtocols none
  2. 禁用浏览

    $ sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed
    $ sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed
  3. 已删除 AVAHI

    $ sudo apt remove avahi
  4. 确保一切干净

    $ sudo apt upgrade -y
    $ sudo apt autopurge
    $ sudo apt autoremove
    $ sudo apt autoclean
  5. 检查 SAMBA 是否正在运行或发现网络上的事物,

    $ sudo systemctl status smbd
    Unit smbd.service could not be found.
  6. 我检查了,

    $ sudo lpinfo -v
    file cups-brf:/
    network ipps
    network ipp
    network beh
    network https
    serial serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=115200
    serial serial:/dev/ttyUSB0?baud=230400
    serial serial:/dev/ttyUSB1?baud=230400
    network socket
    network http
    network lpd
    network lpd://
 是我的 LAN 打印机 IP。

  7. 已移除 CUPS

    $ sudo apt remove avahi


    $ sudo apt upgrade -y
    $ sudo apt autopurge
    $ sudo apt autoremove
    $ sudo apt autoclean

    问题仍然存在。这意味着它不是 CUPS 或 AVAHI。

  8. 我重新安装了 CUPS

    $ sudo apt install CUPS


$ systemctl list-units --all --type=service | grep running
    accounts-daemon.service                               loaded    active   running Accounts Service                                                                
  acpid.service                                         loaded    active   running ACPI event daemon                                                               
  atd.service                                           loaded    active   running Deferred execution scheduler                                                    
  avahi-daemon.service                                  loaded    active   running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack                                                         
  bluetooth.service                                     loaded    active   running Bluetooth service                                                               
  bolt.service                                          loaded    active   running Thunderbolt system service                                                      
  colord.service                                        loaded    active   running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles                                     
  cron.service                                          loaded    active   running Regular background program processing daemon                                    
  dbus.service                                          loaded    active   running D-Bus System Message Bus                                                        
  expressvpn.service                                    loaded    active   running ExpressVPN Daemon                                                               
  fwupd.service                                         loaded    active   running Firmware update daemon                                                          
  gdm.service                                           loaded    active   running GNOME Display Manager                                                           
  irqbalance.service                                    loaded    active   running irqbalance daemon                                                               
  kerneloops.service                                    loaded    active   running Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures                
  libvirtd.service                                      loaded    active   running Virtualization daemon                                                           
  ModemManager.service                                  loaded    active   running Modem Manager                                                                   
  networkd-dispatcher.service                           loaded    active   running Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd                                          
  NetworkManager-dispatcher.service                     loaded    active   running Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service                                       
  NetworkManager.service                                loaded    active   running Network Manager                                                                 
  polkit.service                                        loaded    active   running Authorization Manager                                                           
  rsyslog.service                                       loaded    active   running System Logging Service                                                          
  rtkit-daemon.service                                  loaded    active   running RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service                                           
  snapd.service                                         loaded    active   running Snap Daemon                                                                     
  switcheroo-control.service                            loaded    active   running Switcheroo Control Proxy service                                                
  systemd-journald.service                              loaded    active   running Journal Service                                                                 
  systemd-logind.service                                loaded    active   running Login Service                                                                   
  systemd-machined.service                              loaded    active   running Virtual Machine and Container Registration Service                              
  systemd-resolved.service                              loaded    active   running Network Name Resolution                                                         
  systemd-timesyncd.service                             loaded    active   running Network Time Synchronization                                                    
  systemd-udevd.service                                 loaded    active   running udev Kernel Device Manager                                                      
  teamviewerd.service                                   loaded    active   running TeamViewer remote control daemon                                                
  thermald.service                                      loaded    active   running Thermal Daemon Service                                                          
  udisks2.service                                       loaded    active   running Disk Manager                                                                    
  unattended-upgrades.service                           loaded    active   running Unattended Upgrades Shutdown                                                    
  upower.service                                        loaded    active   running Daemon for power management                                                     
  [email protected]                                     loaded    active   running User Manager for UID 1000                                                       
  wpa_supplicant.service                                loaded    active   running WPA supplicant






你的 Ubuntu 系统没有探测网络;这将是一个积极的进程。cups-browsed 和 avahi-daemon 是被动的网络上 DNS-SD 流量的发现者。就您而言,WF-7520 将生成部分(或许是全部)此类流量。

因此请关闭 Bonjour 和/或 IPP在 WF-7520 上从其网络界面查看如何继续。




$ sudo apt remove cups-browsed
