Basler gentl 相机无法在 Matlab 2020a 中检测到

Basler gentl 相机无法在 Matlab 2020a 中检测到

我正在尝试通过 matlab 在 Ubuntu 20.04 中使用 Basler acA1300-200uc,并且我已经安装了“gentl”适配器所需的所有附加组件。basler 的官方 pylonViewer 软件可以检测到相机,并且运行良好。它在 Windows 和 matlab 2020a 上运行良好

imaqhwinfo 的输出

  ans = 

  struct with fields:

    InstalledAdaptors: {'gentl'  'gige'}
        MATLABVersion: '9.7 (R2019b)'
          ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
       ToolboxVersion: '6.1 (R2019b)'

imaqtool 的输出

No devices were detected for the 'gentl' adaptor. For troubleshooting device detection issues, click here.
No devices were detected for the 'gige' adaptor. For troubleshooting device detection issues, click here.
No devices were detected for the 'gentl' adaptor. For troubleshooting device detection issues, click here.
No devices were detected for the 'gige' adaptor. For troubleshooting device detection issues, click here.
