20.04 服务器在重启时挂起

20.04 服务器在重启时挂起



[  OK  ] Reached target Unmount All Filesystems.
[  OK  ] Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
[  OK  ] Reached target Shutdown.
[  OK  ] Reached target Final Step.
[  OK  ] Finished Reboot.
[  OK  ] Reached target Reboot.
[2706010.062757] systems-shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: systemd-udevd, systemd-udevd
[2706100.061724] systems-shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: systemd-udevd
[2706190.199550] shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: systemd-udevd
[2706280.198498] shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: systemd-udevd
[2706360.222337] sd-umoun[120154]: Failed to unmount /oldroot: Device or resource busy
[2706360.223343] sd-umoun[120155]: Failed to unmount /oldroot: Device or resource busy
[2706360.224401] sd-umoun[120156]: Failed to unmount /oldroot: Device or resource busy
[2706360.229444] shutdown[1]: Failed to finalize  file systems, ignoring



May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopped Initialize hardware monitoring sensors.
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping LVM event activation on device 8:16...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping LVM event activation on device 8:32...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping LVM event activation on device 8:48...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping LVM event activation on device 8:64...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping LVM event activation on device 8:80...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping PackageKit Daemon...
May  6 07:33:22 ubuntu-store systemd[1]: Stopping Authorization Manager...
May  6 08:05:50 ubuntu-store systemd-sysctl[433]: Not setting net/ipv4/conf/all/promote_secondaries (explicit setting exists).
May  6 08:05:50 ubuntu-store systemd-sysctl[433]: Not setting net/ipv4/conf/default/promote_secondaries (explicit setting exists).

机器于 手动重启08:05:50


  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 及其所有更新
  • 作为专用 Samba 服务器运行
  • 第五代英特尔酷睿 i5,配备 16GB RAM
  • 250GB SSD 启动盘
  • 25TB ZFS 存储池


Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal

同时uname -r显示:


这个问题是最近才被发现的(大约上个月),因为除非有需要重新启动的安全更新,否则它不会经常关闭。我还没有追踪到的一个异常是负载不一致。CPU 利用率很少超过 4%。RAM 使用率很少超过 9GB。交换文件在使用时最多可能只有几十兆字节。然而,负载大约为 2.2。正在运行htopglances没有显示任何异常。不确定这是否是系统未识别的僵尸进程的证据。

正如人们所料,重启系统几天后一切恢复正常。然而,由于这是一台服务器,我并不赞成让机器每周日晚上自行重启,就像 90 年代的 Windows 桌面一样。



我遇到了同样的问题。我必须完全重写 SD 卡上的 ubuntu 服务器,以便再次运行它。(我当时使用的是 raspberry pi 4 8​​gb RAM)。


作为临时修复,您可以重新创建该分区为可写,并选择分区系统为 ext4(linux 文件系统)。
