Calibre 错误:“QWebEngineProfile”对象没有属性“setUrlRequestInterceptor”,如何修复?Ubuntu 20.04

Calibre 错误:“QWebEngineProfile”对象没有属性“setUrlRequestInterceptor”,如何修复?Ubuntu 20.04
calibre, version 4.99.4 (linux, embedded-python: False)
Conversion error: Failed: Convert book 1 of 1 (Unity in Action, Third Edition)

Convert book 1 of 1 (Unity in Action, Third Edition)
Conversion options changed from defaults:
  read_metadata_from_opf: '/tmp/calibre_4.99.4_tmp_4y7oebgy/w0m37zz2.opf'
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  verbose: 2
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  pdf_serif_family: 'Nimbus Roman [urw]'
  pdf_mono_family: 'Nimbus Mono PS [urw]'
Resolved conversion options
calibre version: 4.99.4
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InputFormatPlugin: EPUB Input running
on /tmp/calibre_4.99.4_tmp_4y7oebgy/f3rk07k6.epub
Found HTML cover OEBPS/default_cover.xhtml
Parsing all content...
Parsing OEBPS/C04.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/APP_A.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/FM.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/IBC.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/titlepage.xhtml ...
Parsing OEBPS/C07.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/APP_B.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/P1.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C011.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/praise.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C08.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/APP_C.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C01.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C012.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/title.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C09.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/P2.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/APP_D.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C02.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C013.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/copyright.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/P3.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C05.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/default_cover.xhtml ...
Parsing OEBPS/UnityinAction3eIX.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C03.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/AFTER.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/Hocking3_TOC.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/C010.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/Styles/Style01.css ...
Parsing OEBPS/C06.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/IFC.htm ...
Parsing OEBPS/Styles/Style00.css ...
Referenced file 'Text/C012.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/APP_C.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C013.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C06.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/P1.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/APP_A.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C011.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C02.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/FM.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/AFTER.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/P3.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/P2.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C04.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C09.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C01.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C07.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/APP_B.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C03.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C05.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/UnityinAction3eIX.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/APP_D.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C08.htm' not found
Referenced file 'Text/C010.htm' not found
Reading TOC from NCX...
Merging user specified metadata...
Detecting structure...
    Detected chapter: Part 1 First steps
    Detected chapter: Part 2 Getting comfortable
    Detected chapter: Part 3 Strong finish
Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
Source base font size is 12.00000pt
Removing fake margins...
Found 30 items of level: div_1
Found 2871 items of level: p_2
Found 78 items of level: div_2
Found 147 items of level: p_5
Found 312 items of level: p_4
Found 1572 items of level: p_3
div_1  left margin stats: Counter({'': 24})
div_1  right margin stats: Counter({'': 24})
Negative text indent detected at level  p_2, ignoring this level
div_2  left margin stats: Counter({'0': 32, '': 23})
div_2  right margin stats: Counter({'0': 32, '': 23})
p_5  left margin stats: Counter({'0': 147})
p_5  right margin stats: Counter({'30px': 111, '0': 36})
p_4  left margin stats: Counter({'0': 312})
p_4  right margin stats: Counter({'0': 312})
Negative text indent detected at level  p_3, ignoring this level
Cleaning up manifest...
Trimming unused files from manifest...
Trimming 'OEBPS/Images/default_cover.jpeg' from manifest
Trimming 'OEBPS/default_cover.xhtml' from manifest
Creating PDF Output...
Converting input as a text based book...
WebEngineContext used before QtWebEngine::initialize() or OpenGL context creation failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/calibre-parallel", line 20, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/utils/ipc/", line 215, in main
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/convert/", line 41, in gui_convert_override
    gui_convert(input, output, recommendations, notification=notification,
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/convert/", line 28, in gui_convert
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/", line 1274, in run
    self.output_plugin.convert(self.oeb, self.output, self.input_plugin,
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/plugins/", line 188, in convert
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/conversion/plugins/", line 253, in convert_text
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/pdf/", line 1195, in convert
    manager = RenderManager(opts, log, container.root)
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/ebooks/pdf/", line 279, in __init__
AttributeError: 'QWebEngineProfile' object has no attribute 'setUrlRequestInterceptor'

我从软件中心下载并尝试从命令行安装 Ubuntu 20.04,但出现相同的错误。它在另一个 SSD 上的 Ubuntu 安装上运行良好,但在这个较新的 SSD 上的新安装中却无法运行。
我看到了这一点: 它说应该已经修复了。我该怎么办?卸载时,我按照以下说明操作: 安装后我跑了

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt upgrade


正如这里建议的: 从那里下载,不要使用其他地方的版本,因为它们有缺陷或过时。
