单元用户-.slice 无法正确加载:参数无效

单元用户-.slice 无法正确加载:参数无效

我一直在尝试在 22.04.1 登录节点上设置资源控制,这样用户就不会因为运行任何过于密集的东西而降低系统性能。我考虑过使用,cgroups但显然因为它是一个 systemd 系统,user-.slice所以我想要它。不幸的是,我甚至无法启动默认服务。

❯ sudo systemctl status user-.slice
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of user-.slice changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
○ user-.slice - User Slice of UID
Loaded: error (Reason: Unit user-.slice failed to load properly, please adjust/correct and reload service manager: Invalid argument)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-.slice.d
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:[email protected](5)

我看不出哪个参数是无效的,并且我已经重新加载了单位,sudo systemctl daemon-reload但它仍然说它们已经改变......

❯ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
❯ sudo systemctl restart user-.slice
Failed to start user-.slice: Unit user-.slice failed to load properly, please adjust/correct and reload service manager: Invalid argument
See system logs and 'systemctl status user-.slice' for details.
❯ systemctl status user-.slice
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of user-.slice changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
○ user-.slice - User Slice of UID
Loaded: error (Reason: Unit user-.slice failed to load properly, please adjust/correct and reload service manager: Invalid argument)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-.slice.d
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:[email protected](5)


❯ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/user.slice
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

Description=User and Session Slice
❯ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-.slice.d/10-defaults.conf
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

Description=User Slice of UID %j
Documentation=man:[email protected](5)


最终,我只想添加 2 个内存和 CPU 上限设置:

❯ cat 50-user-caps.conf


由@steeldriver 回答



我认为这里的问题在于理解切片命名约定 - 特别是破折号“属于”哪个切片。来自man systemd.slice

   The name of the slice encodes the location in the tree. The name
   consists of a dash-separated series of names, which describes the path
   to the slice from the root slice. The root slice is named -.slice.
   Example: foo-bar.slice is a slice that is located within foo.slice,
   which in turn is located in the root slice -.slice.

因此,在用户切片层次结构的情况下,有效的 systemctl status 命令是

  • systemctl status user-$(id -u).slice或者例如systemctl status user-1000.slice

  • systemctl status user.slice

  • systemctl status -- -.slice对于根切片

