Ubuntu 上的 LE 音频无法与 bluez5.71 配合使用

Ubuntu 上的 LE 音频无法与 bluez5.71 配合使用

我的目的是从 le audio 手机播放音乐,然后将其传输到 le audio 设备。

顺便说一句,我的 Ubuntu 版本是 23.10。

我通过 UART 连接了一个支持 LE Audio 的控制器设备,然后

Waiting to connect to bluetoothd...[bluetooth]# hci0 new_settings: powered bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn cis-central cis-peripheral 
[bluetooth]# Agent registered
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller AB:89:67:45:23:01 Pairable: yes
advertise on
[bluetooth]# hci0 advertising_added: instance 1
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller AB:89:67:45:23:01 SupportedInstances: 0x05 (5)
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller AB:89:67:45:23:01 ActiveInstances: 0x01 (1)
[bluetooth]# Advertising object registered
[bluetooth]# Tx Power: off
[bluetooth]# Name: off
[bluetooth]# Appearance: off
[bluetooth]# Discoverable: on
[bluetooth]# RSI: on
endpoint.register 00002bc9-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 0x06
[/local/endpoint/ep0] Auto Accept (yes/no): y
[/local/endpoint/ep0] Max Transports (auto/value): a
[/local/endpoint/ep0] Locations: 1
[/local/endpoint/ep0] Supported Context (value): 1
[/local/endpoint/ep0] Context (value): 1
[/local/endpoint/ep0] CIG (auto/value): a
[/local/endpoint/ep0] CIS (auto/value): a
Failed register endpoint

