导出 tar.gz 文件后,有一个名为 runlindo 的文件,该文件是可执行文件(application/x-executable),但它无法运行。此外,开发人员的自述文件没有提供如何运行该应用程序的说明。我已经尝试过代码,./runlindo
Please give the name of the lindo or mps file: runlindo
Input any desired options (e.g., -bar) one per line.
Enter a blank line to continue.
LINDO API Version 14.0.5099.345 built on Mar 9 2024 04:28:08
Barrier Solver Version 0.0.000, Nonlinear Solver Version 3.17N
Platform Linux 64x86 (D)
Copyright (c) 2023 by LINDO Systems, Inc. Licensed material,
all rights reserved. Copying except as authorized in license
agreement is prohibited.
Loaded Mosek version 10.1.13
Number of users allowed=1
No expiration date
Lindo Staff
Reading model parameters from runlindo.par
Warning: Could not open file for problem I/O. (error:2002)
Reading model parameters from lindo.par
Reading runlindo in MPS format (unformatted)
MPS Reader: There is an error in the input model file.
Invalid free format, trying fixed format...
Error 2003: There is an error in the input model file.
Error line num: 0
Line : ''