我正在尝试建立奥克拉尔来自源代码。我签出了提交8ab768从2012 年 7 月 10 日星期二 17:45:23 +0100。 然而,自由类型似乎缺少某些路径变量。以下是构建。
$ cd ~/src/okular/build
$ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/okular-install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-- Found Qt-Version 4.8.1 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
-- Found X11: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so
-- Found KDE 4.8 include dir: /usr/include
-- Found KDE 4.8 library dir: /usr/lib
-- Found the KDE4 kconfig_compiler preprocessor: /usr/bin/kconfig_compiler
-- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro, use FindPkgConfig
-- Found Freetype: -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lfreetype -lz
-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.
* QImageBlitz - An image effects library
* libspectre - A PostScript rendering library
* CHM - A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
* DjVuLibre - A library for dealing with DjVu formatted files
* libTIFF - A library for reading and writing TIFF formatted files,
* FreeType - A font rendering engine
* JPEG - A library for reading and writing JPEG image files.
* ZLib - The Zlib compression library
* libepub - A library for reading EPub documents
* QCA - Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
* Poppler-Qt4 (0.12.1 or higher) <http://poppler.freedesktop.org>
A PDF rendering library
Support for PDF files in okular.
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /home/john/src/okular/generators/dvi
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
$ export FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/freetype2/freetype
但是好像没什么效果,我用的是Ubuntu 12.04。
Okular 的存储库可通过 Git 在 下获取git://anongit.kde.org/okular
cmake .. -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/freetype2/freetype ..