如何获取 plasmoid 存储库

如何获取 plasmoid 存储库

我有很多 plasmoid,从 plasma-widget- 和 kde-applet 以及 kde-plasmoid- 开始,我认为我已经从 PPA 中添加了它们,但我无论如何也找不到它是哪一个(我进行了全新安装)。我已经尝试了反向移植(无论如何,这是我添加的第一个 PPA),但它不是那个。



Ubuntu 使用 plasma-widget-* 作为软件包名称:http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?38465-Plasmoids-are-now

KDE plasmoids - 来自 Ubuntu 存储库和 Kubuntu 开发人员 PPA


:~$ apt-cache show plasma-widgets-workspace

Description: plasma widgets and containments for the KDE Plasma Workspace
 This package contains standard Plasma widgets and containments shipped in the
 KDE base workspace module. They provide such basic desktop functionality as
 the panel, task manager, application laucher, clock and more. The default KDE
 Workspace is a combination of these visual components.
 This package also includes the default animator used by the main KDE Plasma
 Desktop shell.
 This package is part of the KDE workspace module.
Homepage: http://www.kde.org/

:~$ apt-cache show plasma-widgets-addons

Description: additional widgets for Plasma
 This package contains additional Plasma widgets shipped in the Plasma
 addons module. Install it if you want a variety of widgets on your Plasma
 This package provides the following widgets:
  * Binary Clock
  * Black Board
  * Weather Forecast
  * Web Slice
 This package is part of the KDE Plasma addons module.
Homepage: http://plasma.kde.org/

Plasmoids(二进制文件)源来自 KDE 应用程序或某个地方 - Ubuntu 存储库和 Kubuntu 开发人员 PPA 有该包


:~$ apt-cache show plasma-widget-smooth-tasks

Description: alternate task manager plasma widget
 This task manager replacement shows only task icons
 to increase the free space of the panel.
Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/flupp/smooth-tasks-fork/

第三方 PPA

例如:plasma-widget-daisy -> PPA 搜索:https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=plasma-widget-daisy


可以从 add-widgets 操作中下载/安装等离子脚本:

