

尝试升级时这些是什么No candidate ver以及出现什么错误?Failed to read mirror file

Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid/multiverse Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid/restricted Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid/universe Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid-security/main Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid-security/multiverse Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid-security/restricted Translation-en
Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com lucid-security/universe Translation-en
Fetched 29.4 kB in 6s (4877 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done
No candidate ver:  belocs-locales-bin
No candidate ver:  libbind9-30
No candidate ver:  libcupsys2
No candidate ver:  libdatrie0
No candidate ver:  libdns35
No candidate ver:  libevent1
No candidate ver:  libisc35
No candidate ver:  libisccc30
No candidate ver:  libisccfg30
No candidate ver:  liblwres30
No candidate ver:  libxcb-xlib0
No candidate ver:  system-services
No candidate ver:  upstart-compat-sysv
No candidate ver:  upstart-logd

Updating repository information
WARNING: Failed to read mirror file
