VLC Media Player 在 Kubuntu 16.04.1 中无法运行。当我在其中打开文件时,播放/暂停按钮会非常快速地闪烁约 5 秒钟,然后文件似乎被关闭了。在终端中打开 VLC 时的输出为:
VLC media player 2.2.2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.2-0-g6259d80)
[0000000002122148] core libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
KSambaShare: Could not find smb.conf!
org.kde.kurifilter-shorturi: "smb://"
org.kde.kurifilter-shorturi: path = "" isLocalFullPath= false exists= false url= QUrl("smb://")
org.kde.kurifilter-ikws: "smb://" : QUrl("smb://") , type = 0
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 5.0.3
libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
** **
** No css library available. See **
** /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/README.css **
** for more information. **
** **
libdvdread: Couldn't find device name.
libdvdread:DVDOpenFilePath:findDVDFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdread:DVDOpenFilePath:findDVDFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
libdvdnav: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
[00000000021f0d68] core playlist: stopping playback
[00007efe9c016438] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c012c38] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c000ec8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00dcf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00dcf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00dcf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00dcf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00dcf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c012b18] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c012b18] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c012b18] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c013698] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00ca28] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00ca28] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe940012c8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c008848] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe94000fc8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c014868] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9400b248] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00cbf8] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe94005698] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c015638] idummy demux: command `nop'
org.kde.knotifications: env says KDE is running but SNI unavailable -- check KDE_FULL_SESSION and XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
[00007efe9c015638] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe94004868] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c009a18] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe94008398] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9c00c868] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe9400b068] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007efe94000af8] idummy demux: command `nop'
您需要 libdvdcss 包,可以在 Xenial 上使用以下两个命令进行安装:
sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg
这足以启动你的 vlc 副本......