如何显示最近启动的 10 个进程

如何显示最近启动的 10 个进程

我正在尝试将 的输出ps -ax -o pid,lstart通过管道传输到awk并使用它,或者尝试使用 按某一列进行排序sort

输出ps -ax -o pid,lstart类似于:

       PID         STARTED
    1 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    2 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    3 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    4 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    6 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    8 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
    9 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   10 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   11 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   12 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   14 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   15 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   16 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   17 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   18 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020
   20 Tue Feb  4 23:10:00 2020





$ ps -eoetimes=,pid=,lstart= | sort -rnk1,1 | tail -10
    824 13816 Thu Feb  6 08:23:48 2020
    595 13851 Thu Feb  6 08:27:37 2020
    563 13865 Thu Feb  6 08:28:09 2020
    502 13882 Thu Feb  6 08:29:10 2020
    443 13896 Thu Feb  6 08:30:09 2020
     83 13965 Thu Feb  6 08:36:09 2020
     70 13966 Thu Feb  6 08:36:22 2020
      0 13983 Thu Feb  6 08:37:32 2020
      0 13982 Thu Feb  6 08:37:32 2020
      0 13981 Thu Feb  6 08:37:32 2020

man ps

   etimes      ELAPSED   elapsed time since the process was started, in

   lstart      STARTED   time the command started.  See also
                         bsdstart, start, start_time, and stime.
