Mac 无法启动到安全模式

Mac 无法启动到安全模式

除安全模式外,Mac 可以正常启动。

启动时按住 Shift 键,我可以看到灰色屏幕上的进度条。在 Mac 重新启动之前,进度条大约移动到一半。

我修改了 nvram boot-args 以获得更好的外观:

sudo nvram boot-args="-x -v"

它肯定会通过 fsck,跳过加载内核扩展(因为它处于安全模式),对网络接口执行某些操作,然后这是它最后要清除的东西......

Aug 22 11:56:21 Crockpot[15]: Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/usr/libexec/UserEventAgent' [10] for authorization created by '/usr/libexec/UserEventAgent' [10] (100012,0)
Aug 22 11:56:22 Crockpot fseventsd[37]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (1 174 330)
Aug 22 11:56:22 Crockpot fseventsd[37]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 5C379650-26FA-428F-B81F-4FE4349D50B3
Aug 22 11:56:23 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-379.27 (Jun 20 2012 15:40:55) starting OSXVers 12
Aug 22 11:56:23 Crockpot systemkeychain[35]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
Aug 22 11:56:23 Crockpot configd[17]: network changed: DNS*
Aug 22 11:56:24 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: D2DInitialize succeeded
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: Adding registration domain
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:23:69:35:dc:fe  MAC AUTH succeeded
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:23:69:35:dc:fe Unsolicited  Auth
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 00:23:69:35:dc:fe
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
Aug 22 11:56:24 Crockpot kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
Aug 22 11:56:25 Crockpot cfprefsd[19]: CFPreferences failed to read preferences data. Errno was 21
Aug 22 11:56:25 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 22 11:56:25 Crockpot airportd[30]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “burnum”. Bailing on auto-join.
Aug 22 11:56:25 Crockpot[11]: Can't load IOBluetoothSerialManager.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
Aug 22 11:56:25 Crockpot[11]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
Aug 22 11:56:25 Crockpot cfprefsd[19]: CFPreferences: error renaming file blued.plist.HXuEmQn to blued.plist.
Aug 22 11:56:27 Crockpot awacsd[52]: Starting awacsd connectivity-77 (Jun 20 2012 15:40:49)
Aug 22 11:56:27 Crockpot[15]: Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SCHelper' [54] for authorization created by '/usr/sbin/awacsd' [52] (100003,0)
Aug 22 11:56:27 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 22 11:56:27 Crockpot awacsd[52]: Configuring lazy AWACS client:
Aug 22 11:56:28 Crockpot apsd[55]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
Aug 22 11:56:32 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 22 11:56:32 Crockpot awacsd[52]: KV HTTP 0
Aug 22 11:56:38 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 22 11:56:38 Crockpot apsd[55]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
Aug 22 11:56:47 Crockpot awacsd[52]: KV HTTP 0
Aug 22 11:56:49 Crockpot configd[17]: subnet_route: write routing socket failed, Network is unreachable
Aug 22 11:56:51 Crockpot configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1+: DNS* Proxy+ SMB
Aug 22 11:56:51 Crockpot UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'burnum' (protected network)
Aug 22 11:56:51 Crockpot configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1: DNS Proxy SMB
Aug 22 11:57:07 Crockpot awacsd[52]: KV HTTP 0
Aug 22 11:57:23 Crockpot fseventsd[37]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot kernel[0]: Kext loading now disabled.
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot kernel[0]: Kext unloading now disabled.
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-379.27 (Jun 20 2012 15:40:55) stopping
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot[15]: Killing auth hosts
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot UserEventAgent[10]: dnssd_clientstub DNSServiceProcessResult called with DNSServiceRef with no ProcessReply function
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot configd[17]: dnssd_clientstub read_all(26) failed 0/28 0 
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot configd[17]: [0x7fb025119ff0] SCNetworkReachability _llq_callback w/error=-65563
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot UserEventAgent[10]: dnssd_clientstub DNSServiceProcessResult called with DNSServiceRef with no ProcessReply function
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: D2D_IPC: Terminated
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot mDNSResponder[39]: D2DTerminate succeeded
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot awacsd[52]: dnssd_clientstub read_all(4) failed 0/28 0 
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot UserEventAgent[10]: dnssd_clientstub DNSServiceProcessResult called with DNSServiceRef with no ProcessReply function
Aug 22 11:57:25 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot apsd[55]: dnssd_clientstub read_all(4) failed 0/28 0 
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot configd[17]: SCNC: stop, triggered by configd, type PPPSerial, reason Terminated All
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot configd[17]: _d2dCallback: D2D connection to mDNSResponder lost
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot UserEventAgent[10]: dnssd_clientstub DNSServiceProcessResult called with DNSServiceRef with no ProcessReply function
Aug 22 11:57:25 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot kernel[0]: Kext autounloading now disabled.
Aug 22 11:57:25 Crockpot kernel[0]: Kernel requests now disabled.

... 在安全模式启动序列中间重新启动之前。

Aug 22 12:01:10 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1345662070 0
Aug 22 12:01:32 localhost kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
Aug 22 12:01:32 localhost kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 12.0.0: Sun Jun 24 23:00:16 PDT 2012; root:xnu-2050.7.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64



  • MacBook Pro 8,2
  • 2.2 Ghz 酷睿 i7
  • 4. 通用Ram
  • 山狮 10.8
  • 500GB 东芝 MK5065GSXF 串行 ATA 旋转磁盘






尝试访问您的恢复分区。启动时按住 Apple 键 (Command)(在听到苹果铃声之前)。访问恢复分区后,单击“实用程序”菜单(顶部)中的“磁盘实用程序”。在磁盘实用程序中单击您的 Macintosh HD 并修复磁盘权限。

您需要从恢复分区(而不是通常启动的 Mac)执行此操作,因为您的权限可能已损坏。
