VPNC cisco+快速模式响应被拒绝错误

VPNC cisco+快速模式响应被拒绝错误

我在我的 Linux Red Hat 机器上安装了 vpnc 版本 6.3

大多数情况下 vpnc 运行良好(通过 vpnc 连接到网关客户)


    vpnc: quick mode response rejected:  (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_PAYLOAD_TYPE)(1)

在这种情况下 Vpnc 无法连接


     [root@TEST-LINUX-MACHINE /var/tmp]# vpnc

       Enter password for [email protected]: 

Connect Banner:
| Remote access to UGG company resources is restricted to AUTHORIZED USERS!
| Company resources may only be used for the purpose of performing work-related duties.
| The user is responsible for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the      company resources.
| Violation may cause disciplinary action.
| By clicking on "Continue" the user agrees with the rules above.

 RTNETLINK answers: File exists
 **vpnc: quick mode response rejected:  (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_PAYLOAD_TYPE)(1)**
 this means the concentrator did not like what we had to offer.

 Possible reasons are:

 * concentrator configured to require a firewall
   this locks out even Cisco clients on any platform expect windows
   which is an obvious security improvment. There is no workaround (yet).

* concentrator configured to require IP compression
   this is not yet supported by vpnc.
   Note: the Cisco Concentrator Documentation recommends against using
   compression, expect on low-bandwith (read: ISDN) links, because it
   uses much CPU-resources on the concentrator


  Add the line "NAT Traversal Mode cisco-udp" in /etc/vpnc.conf


   Add the line "Local Port 10000" in /etc/vpnc.conf

但他们没有帮助,我仍然收到错误消息(无法通过 vpnc 连接)



我在使用 CentOS 7 的 vpnc 版本时也遇到过类似的问题。使用具有 SVN 最新更改的较新 vpnc 版本解决了该问题。

对于 Red Hat 或 CentOS,最简单的方法是使用Fedora 24 源码包并编译它。在 CentOS 7 下,以下内容应该可以工作:

$ sudo yum install gcc make redhat-rpm-config libgcrypt-devel libgpg-error-devel gnutls-devel
$ mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
$ test -f ~/.rpmmacros || echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
$ curl -LO https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/24/Workstation/source/tree/Packages/v/vpnc-0.5.3-27.svn550.fc24.src.rpm
$ rpmbuild --rebuild vpnc-0.5.3-27.svn550.fc24.src.rpm
$ sudo yum localinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/vpnc-0.5.3-27.svn550.el7.local.x86_64.rpm
