我在 CentOS 6.0 上安装了 VirtualBox。安装了 Windows 7 作为客户操作系统。现在,即使安装了客户附加组件,它也无法识别客户操作系统中的网卡。网络模式是 NAT。之前我尝试过桥接模式,但也没有用。我该如何解决这个问题?
[root@sn ~]# VBoxManage showvminfo testvm
Name: testvm
Groups: /
Guest OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
UUID: ef2de77b-67ba-42f9-b2f6-8a1a3a5c8adb
Config file: /root/VirtualBox VMs/testvm/testvm.vbox
Snapshot folder: /root/VirtualBox VMs/testvm/Snapshots
Log folder: /root/VirtualBox VMs/testvm/Logs
Hardware UUID: ef2de77b-67ba-42f9-b2f6-8a1a3a5c8adb
Memory size: 1024MB
Page Fusion: off
VRAM size: 8MB
CPU exec cap: 100%
HPET: off
Chipset: piix3
Firmware: BIOS
Number of CPUs: 1
PAE: on
Long Mode: on
Synthetic CPU: off
CPUID overrides: None
Boot menu mode: message and menu
Boot Device (1): DVD
Boot Device (2): DVD
Boot Device (3): HardDisk
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
ACPI: on
Time offset: 0ms
RTC: local time
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging: on
Large Pages: off
VT-x VPID: on
VT-x unr. exec.: on
State: powered off (since 2014-06-25T00:44:24.000000000)
Monitor count: 1
3D Acceleration: off
2D Video Acceleration: off
Teleporter Enabled: off
Teleporter Port: 0
Teleporter Address:
Teleporter Password:
Tracing Enabled: off
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
Tracing Configuration:
Autostart Enabled: off
Autostart Delay: 0
Default Frontend:
Storage Controller Name (0): IDE Controller
Storage Controller Type (0): PIIX4
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 2
Storage Controller Port Count (0): 2
Storage Controller Bootable (0): on
IDE Controller (0, 0): /root/VirtualBox VMs/testvm/testvm-disk03.vdi (UUID: ec572cb1-fc24-40da-a581-46f6eb4fe411)
IDE Controller (0, 1): /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (UUID: a30bd107-b2d9-48cc-b232-7bf2a4372389)
IDE Controller (1, 0): /tmp/win7.iso (UUID: a4e22aa8-fa5e-4dc6-8f41-e82377affeac)
NIC 1: MAC: 080027CCF2B3, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: Am79C973, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: allow-all, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 1 Settings: MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window (send:64, receive: 64)
NIC 2: disabled
NIC 3: disabled
NIC 4: disabled
NIC 5: disabled
NIC 6: disabled
NIC 7: disabled
NIC 8: disabled
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
UART 1: disabled
UART 2: disabled
LPT 1: disabled
LPT 2: disabled
Audio: disabled
Clipboard Mode: disabled
Drag'n'drop Mode: disabled
VRDE: disabled
USB: disabled
EHCI: disabled
USB Device Filters:
Available remote USB devices:
Currently Attached USB Devices:
Bandwidth groups: <none>
Shared folders: <none>
VRDE Connection: not active
Clients so far: 0
Video capturing: not active
Capture screens: 0
Capture file: /root/VirtualBox VMs/testvm/testvm.webm
Capture dimensions: 1024x768
Capture rate: 512 kbps
Capture FPS: 25
Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB
我花了一天时间,尝试了各种方法,多次卸载并重新安装(重启系统)。我尝试了几十种方法,但都无济于事。我还尝试安装驱动程序包。我尝试安装不同版本(甚至是测试版)...不喜欢 Hyper-V,使用 Hyper-V 时从未遇到过同样的问题...胡说八道...
已添加(已修复!):哇,我终于修复了,你知道是怎么修复的吗?之前我尝试在 VirtualBox 中从机器的网络配置列表中选择不同的以太网 NIC,但都无济于事。我刚刚安装了 6.0.12 版本(最后一个是 6.0.14),甚至无需重启就修复了它。我做了什么:我下载了完整的以太网驱动程序包(您可以在 google drp dot su 中找到它),但没有运行它!只需从“驱动程序”文件夹中解压所有内容,然后在驱动程序管理器中更新驱动程序,方法是选择第二个选项:其他以太网控制器(未知设备)并选择手动查找驱动程序...就是这样。我尝试在 VirtualBox 的其他版本中执行相同操作(它没有帮助我,也不要安装 5.0 版本,否则它将不起作用)。此外,在进行这些操作之前,我已经将 NIC 更改为 pcnet fast III 和 intel pro/1000 MT 服务器。但如果仅仅改变它,那是无济于事的……
另外,不要忘记为您的 VirtualBox 版本安装新版本的扩展包。不要使用便携版 VirtualBox,它目前无法正常工作。